Recent content by Jan_26

  1. J

    where can i get directx 7?

  2. J

    Why my dad says that (no this is not an emotional question)

    Another reason: you buy in the US store, your tech support/RMA in case of failing product is there as well... not many companies offer international warranty.
  3. J

    i5 7600k vs i5 7600

    It means it is designed to generate 40% more heat (under load), so definitely better to avoid. Ofc you'll need that more benevolent envelope for higher clocked/OC models, but getting it for 300MHz more is way too much.
  4. J

    i5 7600k vs i5 7600

    It's not a difference you would notice in most scenarios (8%). If you don't plan to overclock, it's imho not worth slightly increased cost and +40% TDP. Bear in mind "K" model also doesn't come with cooler so you'll have to get one extra (compared to non-K version).
  5. J

    Best media player to stream local network content.

    Even Windows itself contains basic functionality (first with WMP 12 unless I am mistaken)... When your TV is connected to the network, just rclick a file and pick "Play to -> (your TV)". I've got verified it works well with Philips TVs (3 different models, each in different model line, one...
  6. J

    EVGA 1080 ACX vs ICX

    Both are manufacturer overclocked. ICX version has improved thermal sensoring and cooling, so if they cost same, get ICX.
  7. J

    Questions about upgrading to 1440p

    I have i5-6400 + GTX 1080 (originally placeholder cpu that I later figured out doesn't need immediate upgrade with stuff I do these days). It manages Witcher 3 maxed out 1440p@60, no overclock. Your i7-3770 is more powerful. Otoh, BF1 is known to be cpu killer, so in that case you'll likely need...
  8. J

    Wierd problem unsure if hardrive or something else, please help

    First idea is overheating of cpu or gpu... check the temperatures, spinning fans. It doesn't sound like a drive issue to me.
  9. J

    SLI - GPU Scaling

    It depends on software (game) implementation. Basically you can determine the bottleneck if you play with resolution... if you lower the resolution (alot), but framerate doesn't grow or only very little, you are likely starving on CPU. If the framerate grows, you were likely starving on gpu...
  10. J

    i don't understand refresh rate

    Just a note to your build: 1. if you stay with Intel cpu, unless you live in very hot areas, I would skip custom cpu cooler. It's not OC cpu, you'll run it on factory settings and Intel's own supplied cooler easily handles cooling it. 2. ssd seems too small, I'd recommend 250ish GB capacity 3...
  11. J

    i7-7700k motherboard,cpu cooler?

    One is better with one thing, other is better with other, in some they are really equal. You should validate against your use cases (as in specific cases the difference in favor for one or other can be bigger than trivial), quite wide comparison can be found here...
  12. J

    NON gaming card (or onboard mobo video) for 3 monitors

    I would just use Displayport 1.2 capability and daisy chain those 3 screens with onboard DP. Note in history you needed to disable DP1.2 capabilities with last screen when running it from Intel HD graphics, don't have any screens at hand now that I could try whether it is still required...
  13. J

    can i mix two different ram brands?

    It's a lottery, with a lot of possible bad side effects. From working perfectly fine through occasional mem errors, BSODs, driver crash, data corruption all the way down to not POSTing at all. Usually the further mem gets from base JEDEC specs the harder it gets to get properly working...
  14. J

    Cant remove my video card

    Looks to me like the kind you need to push towards cpu to unlock the card, but hard to tell