Recent content by JapesFaw

  1. J

    GTX 950 adequate for 1080p Gaming on my System?

    Thanks for all the advice guys, you've all made some really great points! And yeah, I know it's ridiculous in terms of pricing, but hey you've gotta do what you can with what you can get! I actually just found this 960 on a local site, it's a gigabyte one, but it's small form as opposed to the...
  2. J

    GTX 950 adequate for 1080p Gaming on my System?

    Hey everyone, I'm looking to get a GPU for my new-ish system (I'm currently just running onboard graphics), I'll be gaming at 1080p, and would like to play new titles like FarCry 4, GTA V, NBA2K15, Need For Speed etc. Would a GTX 950 be a good choice with my current specs? CPU - i3 4360...
  3. J

    Best GPU for use with i3 4360?

    I'm looking to upgrade my GPU, currently running an i3 4360 with an awful 9500GT and was wondering what would be good for high quality 1080p gaming on new titles such as Far Cry 4, GTA V, NBA 2K etc I'm thinking a GTX 960 or a R9 380 (2GB versions) What are your guys thoughts or suggestions...
  4. J

    Good Graphics Card for use with i3 4360?

    So I'm currently running a new PC, 8Gb ram, Core i3 4360 and am looking for a new graphics card to use with my system. I have an old Nvidia 9500GT, but I haven't even bothered installing it. Basically I'd want to know some good graphics cards to allow 1080p gaming that don't break the bank...
  5. J

    New PC with Old Hard Drive

  6. J

    Installing Windows 8.1 on New PC Using Old HDD With Windows 7

    Hey guys, So I've bought a complete set of new components for my PC, however I am re-using my old hard drive and PSU. The old hard drive has Windows 7 on it, but I am planning to clean install with Windows 8.1 - how do I do this after building my new PC? I want to use a USB boot as I am not...
  7. J

    Thoughts on new budget gaming PC build components and performance?

    I'm building a new PC, for using Adobe Suite and gaming - what are peoples thoughts on this setup? I'm on a tight budget and also live in South Africa so components are quite pricey in comparison to US/UK. (My best bet is purchasing from Chassis - Coolermaster N500 ATX CPU -...
  8. J

    Will this Mobo + CPU combo work?

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to check that this Mobo and CPU will work together and that the Mobo will fit in my case, parts are as follows: - MSI H81M-E35 Intel Motherboard - Socket 1150 - Intel Boxed Core i3 4330 - 3.50GHz Dual Core Processor - Socket 1150 - Cooler Master N500 ATX Chassis...
  9. J

    How will this CPU/GPU combo perform?

    Hi! How will an Intel i3 4330 CPU paired with a Gigabyte Radeon R9 280X perform when gaming? I'm going to be mainly be using 1600x1050 res, but will transition to 1080p soon - what kind of titles can I play and at what performance level do you think?
  10. J

    Best $200 - $300 GPU?

    I'm building a new gaming PC and my GPU budget is between $200 and $300 - what GPUs would people recommend, and if possible what PSU would be alright for the recommended GPUs? I'm currently running a 500Wt PSU. Thanks!
  11. J

    New PC with Old Hard Drive

    I'm updating my gaming PC with a new MoBo, GPU, RAM and CPU - however I'm keeping my old HDD, PSU etc. Will replacing these parts require me to reformat my old HDD and re-install Windows or can I just plug in and start up? I honestly have no idea how my harddrive would react to the new hardware...