Recent content by jasonf2

  1. J

    News Two undersea internet cables connecting Finland and Sweden to Europe have been cut — EU leaders suspect sabotage

    Without going into any politics it is my understanding that it is a technically difficult thing to purposefully cut a deep fiber link and only a handful of state actors even have the ability to do so. It is also and maybe even more difficult to repair with only a small handful of vessels...
  2. J

    News Arm to cancel Qualcomm's architecture license as feud intensifies

    Also as a point of interest Intel owns an ARM license from back in the StrongARM days. I would be interested to know if Intel's contract language would put Qualcomm into the same lawsuit if they acquire Intel. As a sidebar as well it looks like Nvidia has started integration of Risc-v cores...
  3. J

    News Arm to cancel Qualcomm's architecture license as feud intensifies

    Possibly. But on a side note the bigger issue here is really more about what X86 is and what Qualcomm produces that makes the whole thing very unlikely. ARM core designs are what they are today because they have developed around the SOC smartphone market and android ecosystem. Qualcomm for...
  4. J

    News Arm to cancel Qualcomm's architecture license as feud intensifies

    Unless something has changed pretty dramatically Intel doesn't license x86 like that anymore, especially to what would be a competitor that would probably make AMD look tame based on IP holdings. Those original X86 licenses were negotiated due to Intel having its hand forced by IBM if memory...
  5. J

    News Core Ultra 9 285 65W CPU beats Core i9-14900K in early Geekbench benchmark — Arrow Lake chip shows 15% better-multithreaded performance than predec...

    With the 14++++++ node stick Intel just kept figuring out how crank every mhz out by bumping up TDP. It is nice to see that Intel appears to recognize that if they don't get power efficiency back to par they will ultimately lose the whole game to AMD/ARM/RISC-V.
  6. J

    News Nintendo sues Palworld developers Pocketpair for patent infringement

    The mergers and acquisitions of gaming developers has left ownership of most older big names being held in portfolios of only about seven companies today. Of them Sony (Number 1) and Microsoft (Number 3) are high on the list of ownership. Nintendo is still 4 on the list according to Wikipedia...
  7. J

    News Nintendo sues Palworld developers Pocketpair for patent infringement

    DVDs were already established as the successor to VHS by the time that the PS2 came into play ( I had one before my PS2.). Sony using the format for the PS2 just sweetened the deal and helped Sony (Colombia) sell DVDs too. Agreed. The Virtual boy was terrible. The processing power and tech...
  8. J

    News Nintendo sues Palworld developers Pocketpair for patent infringement

    Nintendo isn't playing in the same space as Sony and Microsoft are. Microsoft and Sony are basically battling each other with the same console over volume of sales. All they can do is evolutionary tweaking because they are completely dependent on external game developers (which absolutely do...
  9. J

    News Nintendo sues Palworld developers Pocketpair for patent infringement

    Consoles developed as a product for the masses. That required(s) that the product be priced in the reach of the average joe. Nintendo tries to keep to the bottom with that and really performance wise quit competing somewhere in the N64 era. The N64 was the apex of the cartridge. We can...
  10. J

    News Nintendo sues Palworld developers Pocketpair for patent infringement

    I am sorry but when you make a game that is publicly renowned as "Pokemon with Guns" you should probably expect a lawsuit. Couple that with the fact that you are messing with Nintendo, which could be the most sue happy company of all time (next to Atari) when it comes to IP, and there is no...
  11. J

    News Seagate demonstrates 3D magnetic recording for 120+ TB HDDs — dual-layer media stacks data bits to boost capacity

    You still need RAID, which makes this kind of a point moot. SATA and SAS implementations were extensions on their parallel predecessors which developed around spin drive read write head optimization. NCQ only really came into play when large memory buffers in the drives themselves started to...
  12. J

    News Seagate demonstrates 3D magnetic recording for 120+ TB HDDs — dual-layer media stacks data bits to boost capacity

    To start there hasn't been an active parallel scsi implementation for 20 years. Any assumption that I was talking about anything different than SAS (Serial attached SCSI) overlooks comments on cross compatibility with SATA, where parallel SCSI definitely was not. In regards to PCI lane...
  13. J

    News Seagate demonstrates 3D magnetic recording for 120+ TB HDDs — dual-layer media stacks data bits to boost capacity

    I am not arguing your premise on a whole. The only thing I would maybe note is that overall spin drives aren't really more reliable than SSDs due to their mechanical nature. SSD degradation is due to the limited write cycle nature of the flash memory used. So when you buy an SSD the finite...
  14. J

    News Seagate demonstrates 3D magnetic recording for 120+ TB HDDs — dual-layer media stacks data bits to boost capacity

    SATA and SCSI both still have very viable uses. While PCI is much better at handling SSD workloads (Due to latency and bandwidth) SATA and SCSI have clear advantages when it comes to spin drives. It would not make sense to tie up the PCI lanes necessary for a M.2 port per spin drive...
  15. J

    News Seagate demonstrates 3D magnetic recording for 120+ TB HDDs — dual-layer media stacks data bits to boost capacity

    That isn't exactly true. There are a number of applications where rust drives still have significant advantages. Flash doesn't have great write tolerance. Its cost per terabyte is also more than spin drives. So for applications like video recording systems that have constant overwrite cycles...