Possibly. But on a side note the bigger issue here is really more about what X86 is and what Qualcomm produces that makes the whole thing very unlikely. ARM core designs are what they are today because they have developed around the SOC smartphone market and android ecosystem. Qualcomm for the most part makes its profits in that space. X86, while having advanced significantly, just hasn't proved efficient enough to make any usable market penetration into phones. Qualcomm moving to X86 would probably be about as disruptive to their business as really getting cut off from ARM, which I am going to be really surprised to see happen. This whole thing is contract negotiation posturing. Samsung has its own ARM license and they make their own chips. The only reason Qualcomm chips keep getting put into their phones is a performance lead for certain markets. Even if they could go to X86 I don't really see their clients following, especially with android being as ARM optimized as it is. This is also why Risc-v is problematic. Not impossible, just not very likely. The only reason I could see Risc-v being brought forward is the heavy handedness that ARM is showing towards licensing. The chip designers working in the ARM space right now are probably all worried how this plays out, especially with ARM having been almost bought by NVidia in the last couple of years. That purchase would have made the ARM architecture the new X86 island if Nvidia had pulled it off. Again all reasons for these companies to get away from X86/ARM and towards something open sourced like Risc-V. But doing that is going to be a huge risk of resources and require google and phone makers to be on board unless you are Apple and own your whole ecosystem.