Recent content by Jerry_61

  1. J

    My monitor flickers nonstop when I alt tab out of games.

    Actually I'm not sure if the problem is the monitor as I've noticed it centers my mouse everytime even when I keep moving it. I don't see how it could be the monitor doing that.
  2. J

    My monitor flickers nonstop when I alt tab out of games.

    When I'm in a game, or sometimes even starting one, and I alt tab, my monitor will flicker nonstop. It will also make the ding noise as if something is getting plugged. The same sound when you plug in a flash drive, though it doesn't make the disconnect sound. My monitor will keep flickering and...
  3. J

    Need help with case, cooling and compatibility

    My last answer sounded kinda rude. I just meant to say there’s no like hidden meaning to it. It’s straight forward. As for which port I’m not sure. I think it just disabled whichever one you aren’t using or the last port. It’ll be fine even if you get like 3 more hard drives
  4. J

    Need help with case, cooling and compatibility

    The message means what it says but it doesn’t really matter. I use two ssds, one m2 and the other 3.5”. Using m2 will disable one but you’ll have a bunch of ports anyway. I use a micro atx board and still had 6 SATA ports so disabling one didn’t do anything really
  5. J

    How good is my gaming pc?

    You should honestly just build it yourself. You want pubg 60+ fps but you’re spending money on their service rather than computer parts. Give them less money and give more money to the actual parts for a better computer. I honestly didn’t even know the rx 470 is that much better than the 1050ti...
  6. J

    Do I need a new psu?

    I just looked up what those are and they are way too expensive. For those prices I could just buy two new power supplies
  7. J

    Do I need a new psu?

    I’ve tried it at a bunch of different places due to college. My first dorm is where I built it and where it first happened once a week. My second dorm never had it happen for the whole year I lived there. My dads it has never happened and the recent problems are at my moms. All of which I used...
  8. J

    Do I need a new psu?

    I built my computer around April 2017 and I’ve had this on and off problem. When I first built it, around once a week it would restart itself or just shut off. Around the end of April or beginning of May, I’ve never gotten that problem again until way later. I’d have an occasional occurrence...
  9. J

    How good is my gaming pc?

    I wouldn't fully trust my word as my computer once in a while turns itself off (I think my power supply is defective or not enough power). But this is my take. Change whatever but this is like the same computer for like half the money.
  10. J

    Do I need better cooling?

    I have a stock cooler for a normal i5-7500.I know it's enough but my computer is a little louder than I want it to be. I've heard that stock coolers are pretty loud. The only other fans I have are my case fan and the graphics card which I know is not it. I saw that the cooler master hyper 212...
  11. J

    What’s a good gaming chair?

    So not all gaming chairs are good for your back but I read that dxracer is good and people have reduced back pain from using them. Also is sitting with my legs crossed all the time bad? All the chairs I use have no arm rests so I have a ton of room but my knees are starting to feel not so good...