Recent content by jestern

  1. J

    Commodore 64 Gets Priced, Comes in 5 Models

    I agree with TA152H and others who say this is a joke. How do PC innards in a C-64 case make this anything substantially quantitative as a C-64?! By that logic you could call every PC that has a C-64 emulator on it a C-64. Nostalgia is one thing, but this is just...sad....and stupid. Too bad...
  2. J

    Hands-on: Radeon HD 6990 Running Eyefinity 5x1

    I agree with the bezel comments. I'd worry about the 'IMAX effect': It looks really cool for the 1st few minutes, then you forget about it or get used to it and pay more attention to the game/movie; then playing games/watching movies on other displays becomes substandard or impossible. No...
  3. J

    Child of Eden Wowed the Crowd at PAX

    It looked too simple to me and too tiring. I thought it might be a good idea with a more traditional 3D on-rails shooter ala Panzer Dragoon Zwei though. Maybe the left hand controls the movement of the character and a hand signal from the right hand pointed at an enemy shoots out a weapon...
  4. J

    Blizzard: Our Next MMO Will Blow People's Minds

    I agree. MMOs as opposed to other computer games are mostly a waste of time and money. You grind and grind and grind and pay and pay and pay and you end up just getting bored and drifting away with no real sense of accomplishment. As least with regular gaming I can keep my save files and...
  5. J

    Duke Nukem Forever Date Confirmed for May

    (If you're under 30, just ignore this post. D3D in any form obviously isn't for you. Stick to looking forward to Crysis 2 or something...) Something about this just brings a warm and bright smile to my face. Even if it bombs (I don't think it'll do *that* well to be honest, but...
  6. J

    Rumor: Nintendo 3DS to Pack Two ARM CPUs

    After all the half-assed and truly badly made games that I've slogged through on the DS, I'm very *very* leery of another Nintendo handheld no matter how powerful it may appear to be. I can't see paying $199+ for a handheld with old and overly familiar pre-16-bit gaming icons and legacy...
  7. J

    Nvidia 3D Vision Surround: Is This The Future Of Gaming?

    When they come out with glasses which use pinpoint, safe and low-powered lasers to write directly to the retina as many virtually-mounted displays (Using wireless to display directly from the video card in the motherboard to the lasers without wires and gyroscopes or motion detection to know...
  8. J

    15 Years of Intel CPUs in One Picture

    Wow...just brings back so many memories of older games when the CPU played the largest factor in determining what you could play. Doom 1/2 & X-wing (My 486-DX2-50) Mechwarrior 2 & Quake (My Pentium 133) Tribes & Half-life (My Celeron 366) *sigh* Man I miss those days. Are far too many...
  9. J

    Nanodots Used To Create 2.24 TB Storage Chip

    I'm with shin0bi272. Anyone who's read technews has seen this time and time again. Someone spouts some fantastic breakthrough promising new technologies which never emerge. Wake me when its developed, reviewed and commented on by numerous reputable tech magazines and coming to market by at...
  10. J

    Intel Guru Predicts a 3D Internet in Five Years

    Anyone else tired of the 3D craze/propaganda/hype/idiocy/ludicrousness yet? Its bad enough in movies and television, but now the internet as well? I suppose Generation-Y has to have something big and new (Even though its not big and definately *not* new) to define itself. Another take: 3D my...
  11. J

    Publisher: PC Games Going All Digital in 2011

    Anyone who thinks this is a good idea (And isn't a developer or publisher) have probably never been without a broadband connection for the past 12 years or so. I can see that it only profits the devs./pubs. by cutting out the costs of production for the boxes, manuals and discs and ancillary...
  12. J

    DiamonDisc DVDs Last 1,000 Years

    @Vermil (Damn quotes aren't working!) Actually you may not have burned your discs satisfactorilly. Even though whatever software you are using to burn your discs may have reported a successful burn, your disc(s) probably were burned with a number of errors (Some of them critical which renders...