Recent content by jjsan1066

  1. J

    New graphics card is not working as expected

    first off how is the graphics card not working? are you trying to use multiples monitors, your game not picking it up etc
  2. J

    game booster programs

    are there any programs out there that can be used to boost your computer for gaming and if so what do you use/heard of or say why i shouldnt use them
  3. J

    My own Personal PC

    What kind of budget do you have for this computer? do you have a deadline for this computer if not are you willing to wait for any new computer parts to be released or go on sale? do you have any knowledge of computer parts to have any preference to what part you would be interested in ie ssd or...
  4. J

    Console gaming monitor vs tv

    are you using the best quality of hdmi cable with the tv and ps4 this can make a big difference with the quality you are getting
  5. J

    converting external hard drive to internal

    can any external hard drive be converted to an internal hard drive or does it have to be one that has a power supply