Recent content by Joel 09

  1. J

    Need help picking a older gpu

    Thanks for the replys, I will be playing on a 1080p 60hz monitor, pete_101 I've read an article saying the gtx 760 is better but is the 4gb that much more useful? I know a bit about graphics cards but would still call myself new to the scene
  2. J

    Need help picking a older gpu

    I'm wanting to buy a new gpu soon and looking on my local listings (kijiji) I've came across a few options. First is two hd 6950s $100. Second is a gtx 760 $100. Third is a r9 270x 4gb $110. Lastly I can save and wait to get a evga gtx 780 ti classified for $225. I have the power supply to...
  3. J

    I'm doing a budget build and I'm deciding between a gtx 9800 and a hd 6850

    Thanks for the answers, the goal of the pc is to play classic games half life, fallout, bioshock ect.
  4. J

    I'm doing a budget build and I'm deciding between a gtx 9800 and a hd 6850

    I'm doing a budget build and I'm deciding between a gtx 9800 and a hd 6850. The gtx 9800 is 10$ and the hd 6850 is 30$, I'm looking to do light gaming at 1280x720. Another question will 4gb of ddr2 677mhz do the trick for light gaming?