Recent content by Jokesonme2020

  1. Jokesonme2020

    [SOLVED] Can I do Custom Loop on Asus EX-A320?

    Awesome! Thank you!! 😁😁😁
  2. Jokesonme2020

    [SOLVED] Can I do Custom Loop on Asus EX-A320?

    I wanna ask if A320s can handle Custom Loop cooling? Im planning to build my wife her pc and she saw custom loops and she thinks its awesome. Her needs are just literal basic stuff; print, word, excel. She wants the look but doesnt care about the components that it will be on as long as it is...
  3. Jokesonme2020

    [SOLVED] Where can i find Colorful A320 Bios update?

    Holy... The information seems already infront of my my face ready to slap me. I keep on going to the Support Tab on the upper right. You guys, are an angel. thank you!
  4. Jokesonme2020

    [SOLVED] Where can i find Colorful A320 Bios update?

    I've been trying to find the website where I can download a Bios Update for Colorful A320M-D Plus YV14. But their website seems to have no information about this. I'm getting the Thread Stuck in Device Driver BSOD, and BIOS Update is the last Troubleshooting Step. I've done all that I can do...
  5. Jokesonme2020

    [SOLVED] Is it okay to add Coolant after I put the Distilled Water in my loop?

    Oh... is there a negative effect tho? Or nothing will change really? It would just look ugly until it gets mixed properly?
  6. Jokesonme2020

    [SOLVED] Is it okay to add Coolant after I put the Distilled Water in my loop?

    My XSPC just arrived and I already have distilled water cooling my unit. I had a plan before that, since my coolant is not yet here, I'll just put distiled water in my loop first and when coolant arrives after 2 weeks , I'll just pour it in my loop. Now my question is, is it okay to just pour...
  7. Jokesonme2020

    [SOLVED] My hard drives just disappeared and my system only boots to bios automatically. How do i fix this?

    Now this is freaking me out even more. My client turned his PC on, I just had him plug the windows bootable drive, now it's working again. And i dont even know why and how it worked. It just worked like nothing happened. Which is a problem because I need to know what was the problem. Now im...
  8. Jokesonme2020

    [SOLVED] My hard drives just disappeared and my system only boots to bios automatically. How do i fix this?

    My PC just went to bios when I turned it on. It was fine yesterday. Checking the bios I noticed that my HDDs are gone! I need help guys. All of my important files are there. 😭 In the boot Sequence it just say "windows boot manager". In Sata Information it said "no device found". When I...
  9. Jokesonme2020

    [SOLVED] Monitor No Signal - went fine after PC restart

    Ok thank you. I will try to do this when it happens again. 2 months ago maybe. I dont know if this is normal because it was totally fine. It's fine now but im worried. 😭
  10. Jokesonme2020

    [SOLVED] Monitor No Signal - went fine after PC restart

    Oh my god thanks for the reply. Here are my specs Ryzen 5 3400g A320 gigabyte Galax gtx 1660 1click oc 700w psu Hkc monitor curved 27" the cable is display cable
  11. Jokesonme2020

    [SOLVED] Monitor No Signal - went fine after PC restart

    Help. I have a monitor and when i turned on my PC, my monitor suddenly became "no signal". My pc has power, the monitor has power. When i reset pc. The monitor workes. What's the possible cause of this? Any possible damages inside my pc that i need to check and anticipate? Thank you!