Recent content by Juan2508

  1. Juan2508

    Question Pc crashing on warzone black screen with red squares

    No, any of them say hardware error, this is why i am here asking is a really strange crash beacause all says that is ok
  2. Juan2508

    Question Pc crashing on warzone black screen with red squares

    Yeah i enter on "windows" and the only info is this description: The previous system shutdown at 10:44:18 p.m. of the 6/11/2021 was unexpected (i translated it so its easier for you to read it and i doesnt appear the copy to clip board option
  3. Juan2508

    Question Pc crashing on warzone black screen with red squares

    My mb is an asus strix b550e gaming, and yes it have a display port and a hdmi but my cpu doesnt have integrated graphics sorry if its in spanish
  4. Juan2508

    Question Pc crashing on warzone black screen with red squares

    It crashes sometimes on cold war also and at the beginning it crashes randomly also being in idle or just searching on google with a blue screen "whea uncorrectable error" but now is the black screen crash and mostly in cod games, i have reinstaled the games and the system. But its really...
  5. Juan2508

    Question WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR when playing any game, RTX 3060TI Gaming X Trio

    Almost same problem but with a 3080 gaming x trio and a 5800x, at the start same blue screen and same error, i have test all my components and change my psu but nothing seems to work, now it crashes with a black screen with some red squares
  6. Juan2508

    Question Pc crashing on warzone black screen with red squares

    I have a problem when i play some games as warzone, my pc ramdomly crashes and reboot, usually it happens at the end of a game or in loading screens, but i never see a blue screem is a black screen with some red squares , i have good temps, no oc, good psu 850w gold, i have checked the ram. My...