Recent content by kinggaming60

  1. kinggaming60

    Question Logitech G Pro X Superlight scroll wheel issue.

    Hey all, I have had my G pro x for about, 7 months now I received it as a christmas gift and the mouse is flawless, but I have run into an issue with the scroll wheel just acting eratic. On some parts of the scroll wheel, it's insanely sensative, even the slightest movement of my finger will...
  2. kinggaming60

    Question 1440p 144hz Monitor suggestions

    Also one thing I REALLY hate about all the monitors, it seems they all use those stupid V shaped feet.
  3. kinggaming60

    Question 1440p 144hz Monitor suggestions

    S So the same monitor over here on Amazon is about €450 lol.
  4. kinggaming60

    Question 1440p 144hz Monitor suggestions

    I've got my 8700k overclocked to 4.8Ghz, I got an EXTREMELY bad binned chip, it's the highest I can get it, and my GPU is overclocked which does help with performance thankfully.
  5. kinggaming60

    Question 1440p 144hz Monitor suggestions

    Its so sad but so true lol. Honestly sometimes I look at US amazon or Newegg and cry cause the prices for electronics are so good. I've been looking at a lot of monitors like the Samsung G5, Gigabyte, Acer and it seems like every single one has its own little flaw.
  6. kinggaming60

    Question 1440p 144hz Monitor suggestions

    I was looking at more reviews of the Gigabyte monitor and even though it says it has 1ms response times, some benchers have said it's about 7ms, and the B2W and W2B response time is really poor compared to others.
  7. kinggaming60

    Question 1440p 144hz Monitor suggestions

    Appreciate that man. That's my biggest concern is just having a really nice monitor but getting crap FPS on the 1440p.
  8. kinggaming60

    Question 1440p 144hz Monitor suggestions

    I was looking at that monitor and it does look really nice, I'll have to watch a few reviews to make sure 100% it's a good pickup. I wanted to ask a few questions. Is a 8700k and RTX 2070 good enough to get decent frames on 1440p on games like The Witcher 3? I do want to change to Ryzen 5th gen...
  9. kinggaming60

    Question 1440p 144hz Monitor suggestions

    Well yes hahahh that is a very good option but it's about €100 over budget lol.
  10. kinggaming60

    Question 1440p 144hz Monitor suggestions

    Ehm preferably straight but willing to give curved a try IPS is a nice bonus if possible but VA/TN doesn't bother me. Brands that are kinda known, nothing like crazy unknown, samsung AOC gigabyte all that are ok Games I play varies a lot, I've been playing a lot of Escape From Tarkov but I do...
  11. kinggaming60

    Question 1440p 144hz Monitor suggestions

    Hey everyone. So currently I use a BenQ XL2430 144hz monitor and I've been using it as my daily driver for nearly 3+ years now. It's been an amazing monitor and I love it but I definitley think it's time to push to 1440p. I would love to keep the 144hz refresh rate, anything lower I feel would...
  12. kinggaming60

    [SOLVED] RTX 2070 No longer boosts on new motherboard

    I switched from ASUS Prime Z370-P to MSI MPG Z390-A Plus. I have updated drivers, but I did read that doing a clean install of windows can help solve this problem.
  13. kinggaming60

    [SOLVED] RTX 2070 No longer boosts on new motherboard

    Ye I still have no idea what's going on,
  14. kinggaming60

    [SOLVED] RTX 2070 No longer boosts on new motherboard

    Already have done and it doesn't change at all, the graph stays a straight line. My GPU is rated for 1410Mhz base clock with 1620Mhz as the boost. Without any overclocking at all my Core clock is only 1275Mhz, lower than what it's rated. I have to apply a 140Mhz to get it to the default Base clock.
  15. kinggaming60

    [SOLVED] RTX 2070 No longer boosts on new motherboard

    Im using GPU-Z to analyze. My GPU is the MSI Armor 2070, it's pretty budget for a 2070 so I don't think it has a switch however I will tell you. My GPU shows Idle in GPU-Z while running Escape From Tarkov and is stuck at 1410, I can't get any higher/