Recent content by korcok11

  1. K

    Getting as low as 5 fps on gtx 1080 !?

    Hey guys, I have a problem with my new pc system. It has been only two weeks and suddenly I am getting massive lags like I am getting 5 fps 10 fps and there is some tauting, black screen flashing. Here is my specs: Msi gtx 1080 gaming Ryzen 2700 cpu B350m mortar mobo Gskill 3200 mhz cl16 2x8 gb...
  2. K

    Getting low fps

    Hey guys, I have a problem with my new pc system. It has been only two weeks and suddenly I am getting massive lags like I am getting 5 fps 10 fps and there is some tauting, black screen flashing. Here is my specs: Msi gtx 1080 gaming Ryzen 2700 cpu B350m mortar mobo Gskill 3200 mhz cl16 2x8 gb...