Recent content by lakijovanovic07

  1. L

    Question My sistem blackscreens at random

    Ok so, When i'm playing games, Rules of Survival, Mount and Blade, Warthunder, Fortnitr are the ones i have problems with, what would happen is that sistem will just black screen, display will show no signal message, and it will return to game few seconds later with few frame drops but it...
  2. L

    Mesaage when booting pc

    Just updated post,provided picture link
  3. L

    Mesaage when booting pc (picture link) Note that i haven't done any overclocking ever on this system,when i press any button after this message,it leads me in bios and everything is regular.If somebody knows what this is or how to fix this it would be...
  4. L

    My Pc restarts it self

    Ok,i'll try.Ni i didnt overclock.
  5. L

    My Pc restarts it self

    Hello, When im playing a game my pc just restarts,and it waits couple seconds and then error pops up saying insert bootable device.Then i unpluged SATA power cable and swaped it with the one connected to my optical drive ana it boots fine.Then after some time same thing happens and i do the same...