Recent content by lawyeradam

  1. L

    CSI 770-c45 voltage

    Hi there. I'm trying to unlock Phenom using this csi board. I've got correct bios and turn on ACC / Special / off qnc. It won't post and I can't figure out how to raise the voltage. It's set to auto but i don't see how / where to change it to manual. Any help is great! thx.
  2. L

    Unlocking Phenom II 550

    Yeah, I had just come across the survey and thread. I'll be checking mine when I get home. I'm wondering if I might try my luck with a return to the store if I get a no-go. I bought an open box mobo (and although it seems to be working fine) I can use that as an excuse to do a swap-er-ooo...
  3. L

    Unlocking Phenom II 550

    Also, has anyone seen a first attempt failure with later success by changing bios version on the GA-MA785GM-US2H?? If so, did you roll back or move forward? What version works?
  4. L

    Unlocking Phenom II 550

    Hi I have a phenom 550 and a ga-ma785. I'm trying to unlock it. It's a new build. My question / problem is booting into windows. I have put in hybrid mode, ACC on, raise voltage to from 14 to 15 and tried all in between, turned off QnC. It posts as a B50 x4 and gets to the windows splash...
  5. L

    Unlocking Sempron 140

    Hello, I recently picked up a sempron 140 with the hopes of unlocking it. I have a GA-MA785GM-US2H. Bios Ver. f4. 4 gb OCZ DDR2. I've read several instructions - go to bios, enable ACC, put on Hybrid, turn off smart cool (?). When I save f10 in bios, the board shuts down, waits a...