Unlocking Phenom II 550


Jan 6, 2010
I have a phenom 550 and a ga-ma785. I'm trying to unlock it. It's a new build. My question / problem is booting into windows. I have put in hybrid mode, ACC on, raise voltage to from 14 to 15 and tried all in between, turned off QnC. It posts as a B50 x4 and gets to the windows splash screen. Splash stays on for anywhere from 1/2 sec to 6 seconds then blank black screen. Hit reset and start all over. This is a new build machine and I've only just got XP Pro loaded with SP1. I'll download up to SP3 tonight. Is it possible at all that my windows early version is what is keeping it from booting unlocked? It boots no prob as a x2. Also, any other possibilities? Thanks for help!
Also, has anyone seen a first attempt failure with later success by changing bios version on the GA-MA785GM-US2H?? If so, did you roll back or move forward? What version works?
If you're trying to unlock 2 cores, to turn your dual-core into a quad-core, you need to realize there is NO WHERE NEAR 100% success rate. There is a reason why AMD disabled two cores and sold it as a Dual-Core CPU.

If you're able to get all four cores running, with complete stability, then you're lucky. Your issues are probably due to the fact that you're trying to use CPU cores that were disabled because they performed poorly.

If you mean 1.4v - 1.5v that sounds really high for a simple unlock with no overclocking. The Phenom IIs are really sensitive to voltage. I did a Gigabyte 785g and never really felt comfy with the BIOS voltages being accurate (think it was maybe v F4 ??).

I don't think the OS has anything to do with it --- if it is a clean install ---- though I have had problems on occasion with a spk1 version install on certain mobos (but I think they were old S939s).

And YES, the BIOS can make a difference, OR you may have crapped out on the AMD chip lottery.

edit: I think the unlock success rate is around 70% from the 'survey' over at XS. Do you have your batch # to look up?
Yeah, I had just come across the survey and thread. I'll be checking mine when I get home. I'm wondering if I might try my luck with a return to the store if I get a no-go. I bought an open box mobo (and although it seems to be working fine) I can use that as an excuse to do a swap-er-ooo. It alerady worked w/ Semp. hehehe... Maybe armed w/ the success list I could find what I'm looking for.

(Yes., 1.4 to 1.5)