Recent content by lbeever

  1. lbeever

    [SOLVED] New PC build for mum. £1000. no peripherals needed.

    As ever great response from community here. Ordered and now waiting :)
  2. lbeever

    [SOLVED] New PC build for mum. £1000. no peripherals needed.

    Cheers, someone else is saying there is an issue with the ram speed and the mobo?
  3. lbeever

    [SOLVED] New PC build for mum. £1000. no peripherals needed.

    Hello all and thanks in advance, I received some really useful information when building my pc last year! In the UK, with a budget around £1000. looking to get the build going in the near future. Its for my mum so mainly documents and excel, photoshop etc. Although when using it I would like to...
  4. lbeever

    [SOLVED] New build. Gaming/3220x1440p/Autodesk recap pro

    Thank you for for your advice.
  5. lbeever

    [SOLVED] New build. Gaming/3220x1440p/Autodesk recap pro

    Thank you so much for putting time into this. As for the expansion ethernet it was another recommendation. As the original board didn't have WiFi. The only reason for WiFi enabled board is for the next 3months untill the extension on my house is done. Then I will have a proper room set up. Just...
  6. lbeever

    [SOLVED] New build. Gaming/3220x1440p/Autodesk recap pro

    price inc 20% VAT, as its through company
  7. lbeever

    [SOLVED] New build. Gaming/3220x1440p/Autodesk recap pro

    UK: £2343. (in and around this mark) No peripherals needed. Although would be interested in your recommendation for curved widescreen @1440p
  8. lbeever

    [SOLVED] RTX 2080 Ti 1440p/144hz build

    Hi King, would you be able to have a look at my proposed build? Apologies in advance for noobness
  9. lbeever

    [SOLVED] New build. Gaming/3220x1440p/Autodesk recap pro

    Hi all, Thanks in advance for any light you bring to the table! Below is a spec list for a proposed new build. My current pc is over 10 years old and runs vista (i have been living abroad, now home with some money saved hence the new PC)! Fractal Define R6 Blackout Mid Tower PC Silent Gaming...