Recent content by ledhead11

  1. ledhead11

    gtx 1080 Ti vs RTXX 2080?

    A lot of irony between the two. I've got an Asus Strix 1080TI. Love it and the thing is a beast. Ironically though the only time I've seen the 11GB get used is in 4k w/ max AA settings on a select half dozen games. At that point it's struggling to do 20-30fps. RT and the 2080, well some demo's...
  2. ledhead11

    Dual Monitor Display

    You should be able to use a HDMI/DVI adapter to connect the 2nd to your card.
  3. ledhead11

    Amazon ‘Rekognition’ Falsely Identifies 28 Congress Members as Criminals

    Could be fun to see the results of the current 50 governors next.
  4. ledhead11

    PC is using onboard graphics instead of GPU

    You may need to go into the BIOS to tell it to use the DGPU and not IGPU. It's possible that a recent update managed to trigger that setting to change. Also, just want to confirm you'r'e not using multiple displays. I've seen NV do wacky things after a restart and switch to the wrong display...
  5. ledhead11

    Overly High memory usage in windows 10

    Glad you figured it out. I think it's the first time I've heard of super using that much in modern times. Sata II, USB2 days it wasn't that uncommon but seems pretty rare these days. Geforce, well sad to say I'm not surprised. It's their own kind of bloatware. I did notice with the latest driver...
  6. ledhead11

    Corsair One Desktop PC Review: Cooler than the Rest

    I have to agree with others in regards to the idiotic approach of many design, not by any means just corsair, to bring air in from the top instead of using it as exhaust. On my 1080ti rig I added a 2nd 200mm fan to the top and also reversed both to act as exhaust. I then made sure the front...
  7. ledhead11

    IS this a gaming build ?

    It really depends on the games but that 1060 isn't likely to do ultra/60. Even a 1070 will work hard except for games that aren't demanding. If going with a 1060 then med/high for most games to get 60 fps. Otherwise not a bad setup.
  8. ledhead11

    Corsair One Desktop PC Review: Cooler than the Rest

    Thanks for the review. If I had the need or the money. . . Otherwise it's beautiful for an OEM and quite impressive.
  9. ledhead11

    Moving SSD with windows 10 to a new build, will it work?

    Make you have a key to re-activate it if need be. Do your updates before the move to help with potential driver issues or download them beforehand but don't install.
  10. ledhead11

    Programmable Batmobile Headlines New Lego Tech Line

    Just give me a Lego remote controlled transformer already!
  11. ledhead11

    Nvidia GTX 1180 Expected in July: What You Need to Know

    And let's not forget these up and coming models: 1130- The 'you know we made these to use as integrated but Intel said no editions' 1130TI- But we added 1GB vram edition, but wait, they still said no. 1150 v.2 - We added 3GB but it still sucks and many people can't figure why it...
  12. ledhead11

    What's The Difference Between USB 3.1 Gen 1 And USB 3.1 Gen 2?

    I love the speed increases that have happened over time for USB but from port/plug variations and their naming schemes its become a huge mess ever since 2.0. Long before 3 gen whatever they started with standard/micro/mini/a/b/and other things I can't even remember. For a brief time when 3.0...
  13. ledhead11

    Overly High memory usage in windows 10

    [/quotemsg] The laptop was bought with no os and i installed win10 by myself, so no bloat apart from essential drivers [/quotemsg] Understood. No real answers for the ram other than what I mentioned above. Different CPU's can also have an affect due to architecture and speeds but I don't...
  14. ledhead11

    Overly High memory usage in windows 10

    As SkynetRising mentioned Chrome does eat a lot of ram due to it's sandbox strategy. Another issue is it being a laptop there could be any number of pre-installed bloatware(I saw how you said you disabled, but other than doing you're own OS install and making sure you get the drivers right...