Recent content by Lightning2348

  1. Lightning2348

    Question 4070ti super not fully being used

    every time i type a game it says inappropriate language idk why
  2. Lightning2348

    Question 4070ti super not fully being used

    like for some games it's stable but the usage is not all there I think they are right about the cores on my CPU being maxed out and my GPU is just kinda stuck at like 50ish percent
  3. Lightning2348

    Question 4070ti super not fully being used

    gotcha thank you
  4. Lightning2348

    Question 4070ti super not fully being used

    ok thank you that will be better as well for my CPU or no?
  5. Lightning2348

    Question 4070ti super not fully being used

    even when my cpu usage is at like 50 maybe 60 percent?
  6. Lightning2348

    Question 4070ti super not fully being used

    I have a 1080 monitor that runs 240hz and its for every game
  7. Lightning2348

    Question 4070ti super not fully being used

    Why is my GPU not nearly close to 100 percent usage with every game I play? My GPU dedicated memory is also at 15.7 close to 16. and GPU memory at 15g out of 32. I do not know why it is like this. My specs are ryzen 7 5800x, 750w psu, 32gb ddr4 ram, 2tb SSD, liquid cooler for CPU.
  8. Lightning2348

    Question Case fans turning on and off when i start to play games

    Hey guys i just built my pc everything seems to work and i got windows installed and it seems to be good. My case fans seem to be doing something odd. When i play a game only my case fans will start to turn on and off. The longer i play the faster it turns on and off. The type of fans are the...
  9. Lightning2348

    Question Egpu trouble with igpu

    No it cant it is integrated into the laptop. Is there a way where i can like talk to u on call like discord about it and screenshare because its confusing.
  10. Lightning2348

    Question Egpu trouble with igpu

    I did the ti version yea do u know whats weird as well i unistalled the 1660ti in device manager then i downloaded the driver for 1080ti thru device manager and it litterally almost worked but it didnt because it popped the 1660 back up
  11. Lightning2348

    Question Egpu trouble with igpu

    K just did it nothing seemed to have happened that same display adapter didnt change with name and triangle is still there for adapter and 1080 and nothin really happened. So should i try ddu unistall nivida then restart download 1080 driver while having the internet off and see if it works?Now...
  12. Lightning2348

    Question Egpu trouble with igpu

    It has a ryzen 7 4800h with the model number of fa506iu asus tuf gaming a15 laptop.
  13. Lightning2348

    Question Egpu trouble with igpu

    Ok that makes sense lol so im looking on asus website and it does say there is an amd chipset driver along with nivida but that nivida one is for the 1660 I believe. So should i do amd chipset snd see what it does.
  14. Lightning2348

    Question Egpu trouble with igpu

    Yes the gpu is correctly seated and the psu is aswell. The laptop chipset driver is something i am u sure of along with bios. I will look into that right now but i also noticed that ddu is saying that the 1080ti driver is somehow the same as the 1660 one?