Recent content by Lone_1

  1. L

    Question Do i need a bios update for new h410m h v2 for used i3 10105f?

    Thank you very much for fast replies and good wishes! Yeah it sucks i bought like 30 boards in my lifetime and some like 26 were used never had a problem...
  2. L

    Question Do i need a bios update for new h410m h v2 for used i3 10105f?

    Yeah ram works in my main pc with r5 5600x And i also tried power supply from that pc corsair cv 650 bronze, and yes i am plugging hdmi to the gpu as you said the F intel has no iGPU... i think i am going to ask for a refund and buy am4 board bcs i have r5 2600x... i'm really desperate the...
  3. L

    Question Do i need a bios update for new h410m h v2 for used i3 10105f? Here is a video if it means anything
  4. L

    Question Do i need a bios update for new h410m h v2 for used i3 10105f?

    All pins are in place and checked sure that ram is seated properly
  5. L

    Question Do i need a bios update for new h410m h v2 for used i3 10105f?

    I tried ram from my pc (gskill 2x16) one by one or both nothing happens even when i turn it on without ram it gives me no sound or anything,no light no speaker so i find like 5 attachable speakers from other pc's and nothing happens...
  6. L

    Question Do i need a bios update for new h410m h v2 for used i3 10105f?

    Yeah i saw on the page it should be supported is there any chance that there is some kind of bios version before F2 that came with the board? According to their page this cpu should work normally
  7. L

    Question Do i need a bios update for new h410m h v2 for used i3 10105f?

    I just bought new gigabyte h410m h v2 (rev1.7) and i have used i3 10105f i checked everything all connections ,reseat ram, clear cmos,another ram, another psu, another gpu... all i got is that pc turns on but no beeps, no nothing just running. So i wonder if an bios update will do the trick but...
  8. L

    High end gaming pc gta iv 40fps

    My specs: Fx-8120 4.20ghz 8gb ram Asus strix gtx 1060 6GB 700w corsair psu I get 30-45 fps on maxed out settings view distance 50 is there something to bump it to 60fps?