Recent content by LS_Shadow

  1. L

    Question i9 10900k Intel recommended limits (Base Voltage)

    I ordered the Z490 AORUS Ultra, and I will be using the PC for gaming/workstation. This is the review post I was alluding to when I mentioned the 1.66v case: "2) CPU VOLTAGE..... This one really bothers me, and is the entire reason I dropped a star.. After doing some tests in a couple CPU...
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    Question i9 10900k Intel recommended limits (Base Voltage)

    I don't want to overclock, because it give menial returns imo for a shortened life span and more instability. Probably not a huge difference in life span and instability, but I really don't see a point after seeing benchmarks.
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    Question i9 10900k Intel recommended limits (Base Voltage)

    I guess I didn't clarify how bad the issue is. People are reporting, specifically in the case of the motherboard I ordered, their voltages reaching up to 1.66V without touching the core clock. I just don't want to fry my brand new chip you see lol.
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    Question i9 10900k Intel recommended limits (Base Voltage)

    I'm building a PC soon and I heard there are some issues with the z490 boards having crazy stock voltage settings. To mitigate the issue, many reviewers are saying to set a fixed voltage and turn off MCE. My issue is, I can't find the recommended limits for the voltage of a i9 10900k at the base...
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    Question Headphone amplifier and audio interface question

    I plan on getting a pair of Sennheiser 660s and an XLR microphone once I get some extra cash, but I'm starting to get confused about the setup. From what I understand, I will need an audio interface for the microphone and a headphone amp for the headphones (to get the best experience). But I...
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    Portal 2 Making My Monitor Go Black

    The fresh install seemed to do the trick. Sorry I didn't try that first, it's just that doesn't seem to work when ever I have troubles with my games so I figured it wouldn't work.
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    Portal 2 Making My Monitor Go Black

    When ever I start the game up it is usually fine, sometimes the black monitor problem attacks then, but when ever I am playing the game I get like 5 minutes in and then my monitor will go black for a random amount of time and when it comes back on, it will go black again. It keeps at this until...
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    Compatibility Question On New Parts

    So I am going to be getting new parts to put in my pc by the end of December and I have some questions of compatibility on it. This is what I plan to have: CPU: Core i5 4690k GPU: EVGA GTX 970 4GB PSU: Corsair Builder Series CX 500 Watt ATX/EPS 80 PLUS HDD: WD Blue 1TB Desktop Case: NZXT...
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    Compatibility Issue With the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO

    Will a Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO fit in a NZXT Guardian 921 RB? My Motherboard is an ASRock FM2 A88X Extreme6+. If it will not fit then I am up for suggestions on other cases that are $70 or under. I will go slightly above that price if the case is really good though. I need to decide by...
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    Will my GPU be ok?

    Ok, so I ordered a GPU a couple months back(EVGA GTX 660 to be exact) and I held it without a anti-static wristband on. I made sure not to touch the chip and only the plastic part of it and then put it right back in the anti-static bag it came in. So I was wondering if I had a chance of damaging...
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    How do I protect my parts from static with a fully painted case?

    I am going to be building a computer starting next week and was wondering where I should place the clip of my anti-static wristband when I have a fully painted case. I really don't want to harm my parts with static, but no where on my case is something metal to attach the clip to. So I was...