Recent content by luke514

  1. luke514

    Build Advice Gaming PC for €300 ?

    Here in Italy I am looking for a gaming PC with a budget of €300. I have often found these offers (from private people of course): 1) Huananzhi X99-QD4 + Intel Xeon E5 2680 + RX 5800 8GB + 32GB 2400MHz RAM + Windows 10. 2) Asus M3A78-CM + AMD Phenom II X6 1090T + GTX 1660 6GB + 8GB DDR2 RAM...
  2. luke514

    Question Battery drain with Windows on Mac ?

    Hello everyone. My brother has been buying Macs for many years and is very comfortable with them. Currently his Mac has become slow and for work he needs some programs that only work on Windows ... so he was thinking of buying a new Mac and emulating Windows on top of it (I don't remember how to...