Recent content by Mathhguy

  1. Mathhguy

    [SOLVED] Computer shuts down randomly and restarts by itself

    Solved: the gpu was faulty. How? No idea... Voltages were good, magnetic field inside was okay, no overheat... Capacitors were okay... Its solved but meh, I would like a lot to know what was faulty, just for curiosity. Anyway thanks to& all.
  2. Mathhguy

    [SOLVED] PC wont start. fans spin for less than 1 sec then stop

    The s/c is usually caused by a bad contact between the cpu and mobo. When that is the case, the cpu turns off automatically to protect itself. In all the cases ive faced there wasnt any substantial dmg either on the mobo nor on the CPU. The computer simply wont boot.
  3. Mathhguy

    [SOLVED] PC wont start. fans spin for less than 1 sec then stop

    If a CPU is not setted correctly it can cause what he is describing, but its very rare. Its like a small short-circuit because the mobo's pin are touching what they shouldnt touch and the CPU turns off to protect itself. But yea if the CPU is correctly installed the PSU would be the next option...
  4. Mathhguy

    [SOLVED] Computer shuts down randomly and restarts by itself

    I have no idea, didnt even have time to check... I downloaded Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS version. From what I could gather comes with i915 kernel drive.
  5. Mathhguy

    [SOLVED] PC restarts whenever i open a game

    Yeah, I think is the PSU. You would need a bit more of troubleshooting to be 100% sure but that would require to have backup components to test with. Regards.
  6. Mathhguy

    [SOLVED] PC restarts whenever i open a game

    85ºC is too high for a CPU. Did you check the GPU temp before the crash? If it was near 70ºC or below then its the PSU.
  7. Mathhguy

    [SOLVED] PC restarts whenever i open a game

    At the same time. You can try CPU first, then GPU, and then both. HWinfo is easy to use. Just run it and click on "Sensors only", and then click on "run". You will see lot of data. You are interested on the data that ends on ºC (temperature) and that ends on V (voltage). You can open 2 hwinfo64...
  8. Mathhguy

    [SOLVED] PC wont start. fans spin for less than 1 sec then stop

    You can also try to remove and reinstall the CPU.
  9. Mathhguy

    [SOLVED] PC restarts whenever i open a game

    I suggest to run HWinfo and check your PSU voltages. To do a stability test and at the same to test the power drawing of the PSU, you can stress the CPU and the GPU at the same time. To stress the cpu there are multiple soft, prime95, aida64, 7zip, and to stress the gpu I recommend Unigine's...
  10. Mathhguy

    [SOLVED] 100% Disk usage spike followed by Critical process died or kernal_data_inpage_error BSOD

    SSD, even if its at good health (100% life remaining) can fail. Can you try to install windows from a HDD or other SSD?
  11. Mathhguy

    [SOLVED] Computer shuts down randomly and restarts by itself

    Update: 3 days running with my friend's PSU without problems. From what we already have I blame the PSU. Tomorrow I will get a new one. Btw I opened and tested my PSU in my lab with a multimeter, all voltages were fine, no sign of scroth on any component, the magnetic field on the wires was in...
  12. Mathhguy

    [SOLVED] Issue during shutdown

    It sounds a PSU problem. Could you install a fresh w10 copy in the hdd and try to boot from there and check if still happens? I guess you already have the lastest mobo update. If not update it.
  13. Mathhguy

    [SOLVED] Computer shuts down randomly and restarts by itself

    My PSU is the model Silverstone 700w Platinum 80 plus. My friend's PSU is tacens IV 450W. Since it hasnt a 8 pin pci connector I removed my gpu. So far, with my Friends psu i dont have the shutdown issue. I already tried everything on that link. I am going to try to test my PSU on my friend's...
  14. Mathhguy

    Question PC keeps restarting

    It sounds like a memory ram problem. Can you run memtest86 for at least 10 passes? Also, try to boot with only one memory stick each time, switching between them and positions. I.e If you have 4 memory ram slots and 4 rams, you have to try 4x4 = 16 times in total. If you could install windows in...