Recent content by matt16060

  1. M

    Machine Check Exception

    [/quotemsg] By "PSU" I am being general. Could be a faulty battery, etc. Could also be a faulty motherboard. My recommendation is still the same. The laptop does not have a consistent supply of power, etc, hence the constant Machine Check Exceptions.[/quotemsg] Thanks will have to return it...
  2. M

    Machine Check Exception

    I'm using an MSI PE60 2QE with an i7 5700HQ and a nvidia 960m with 8 gb of ram. The problem is that i get a Machine Check Exception crash every time i try to play a game. I have check the ram and it's fine. The problem has happened both on Windows 10 and 8.1. Crash report from Event viewer is...
  3. M

    £700 Gaming Laptop

  4. M

    £700 Gaming Laptop

    Im looking for a £700 gaming laptop i ideally want a 1080p screen and a 500gb hard drive other than that i just want good value for money.
  5. M

    Need psu recommendations for PC upgrade

    Thanks for the quick reply's
  6. M

    Need psu recommendations for PC upgrade

    My current psu is an awful 750w that came with my PC. I'm upgrading my graphics card but don't have the required pcie connections. My components will be: Amd fx 6100 Msi radeon 7950 Asus M5A78L-M/USB3 I use a disk drive and have 4 fans. As long as I have enough power I don't mind how much it...
  7. M

    Can i use a Molex 4 pin to pcie 6 pin adapter safely?

    I plan on getting an AMD R9 280X but my PSu only has a 6+2 pin PCIE cable. Would it be safe to use the molex adapter for the 6 pin PCIE i would need? The info on the side of my PSU is in this link:
  8. M

    Does a molex to 8 pin pcie adpter work?

    I plan on getting a new Amd R9 280X but my power supply only has a 6 pin pcie cable. I have a 750w psu so I should be able to power it if I can connect it up ok. Any idea if this will work? My current psu: Thanks in advance.
  9. M

    Looking for a new GPU for £225

    I want a new graphics card to play next gen games with and was originally planning on getting a gtx 770 or a Radeon 7950, but with all the new AMD cards being release I don't know whether the new cards will be affordable and give me more for my money. Any ideas on what to get? I currently have a...