Recent content by Me____Eve1965

  1. M

    Strange floating specks on infrared camera

    I tried a experiment in my living room where I was seeing Orbs. Some small and some big enough to actually see inside them. They have a swirly Type of appearance on the inside of them. Long story short I was convinced they were orbs everybody I know kept telling me it was dust. So the...
  2. M

    Security camera artifacts?

    I know it is not bugs flying around for sure. If I go into the garage when it's dark and look around I see nothing. Then I go back and check the video and see the small "orbs". No my garage is not heated. I was doing some research on the Internet after I made the post , and it suggested it...
  3. M

    Security camera artifacts?

    Artifacts on Arlo night vision camera. Looks like orbs flying around in my garage. Hum mm kind if scarry. Anybody else see anything with night vision security cameras?
  4. M

    Strange floating specks on infrared camera

    I am seeing the same thing in my night vision cameras. I have a Arlo system and was wondering if it was exclusively linked to Arlo. I did see something about as big as a dollar bill fly by on the camera in my garage