Recent content by Mehmood Nawaz

  1. M

    Upgrading my GTX260 to 1070 1070ti 1080 or 1080ti

    I would suggest waiting a bit. You've come far with that potato setup, so why not wait another month or two. The RTX series is about to launch, which is also expected for price to drop on previous gpu's too, and would also be newer tech. So in case you want the newer cards, you can... otherwise...
  2. M

    TeamSpeak gives the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing error?

    I need help, guys. TeamSpeak gives me this error to me, but my friends can use it. Should I uninstall visual C++ 2015 from my PC, and reinstall it, or should I just repair the existing one? Thanks for the help in advance.
  3. M

    How to change windows 10 32bit to 64bit?

    Thanks guys. You both answered very quickly. I'm as happy, with the support of this site, as ever. Yeah, I guess we'll wait for a bit then.
  4. M

    How to change windows 10 32bit to 64bit?

    @ThatVietGuy @bignastyid So what is that tutorial? Is it fake?
  5. M

    How to change windows 10 32bit to 64bit?

    Hi, guys. A friend of mine is stuck on windows 10 32bit, with the only RAM that's usable is 2.5 gb (out of 8gb). I found this tutorial:- Does it work? Is there any other way? We can't do a full...
  6. M

    Why does my desktop look like its connected to multiple screens?

    Hi, Guys. Need help. This is hard to explain, so just bear with me. Here is a screenshot of my desktop (or whatever its called). Well, I can only see the left side. My mouse sometimes runs off to the right side. Its even worse when file explorer runs off. I have to...
  7. M

    Can this GPU Fit my PC?

    Oh yeah, you should upgrade to 1050 ti. The performance difference could be more than 50%. Here is comparison of specs:
  8. M

    Graphics Card enough?

    Don't know which CoD you're referencing but almost all game up until 2014 should run on ultra. After that you could always tweak the settings to run even the latest games on 720p lowest settings. Besides, CoD's aren't that hardware intensive. My cousin has an MSI laptop with the same hardware...
  9. M

    Should I just download the latest drivers for the Gpu?

    @13thmonkey Thanks for the explaination.
  10. M

    Dell optiplex 755 sff what is the best graphics card for it

    I would second the GT 1030. It is a good budget card.
  11. M

    OptiPlex GX780-Tower graphics card

    How about my GT 1030. It supports opengl 4.5 and only uses 30w, so you won't even have to change the psu. We have almost identical systems, with the only difference being my quad core processor in optiplex 760.
  12. M

    Should I just download the latest drivers for the Gpu?

    Thanks, guys. Guess I'll have to download multiple drivers then.