Recent content by Micky 32

  1. M

    Question Huawei HG 658c router problem

    What else could it be? I tried a second wifi calling enabled phone and it doesn't work either. If i go on someone elses wifi the wifi calling works perfectly.
  2. M

    Question Huawei HG 658c router problem

    The log in details for the internet so the modem/router works on their network. They won't give those details out. Thanks for the reply. Will try another router.
  3. M

    Question Huawei HG 658c router problem

    Hi all. I have an issue with a 658c regarding wifi calling on my iphone max. It just won't connect and if it does it drops calls and often won't dial out and misses calls. Today no connection at all. Talking to the isp was a waste of time and as far as they are concerned if the internet works (...