Recent content by Mike Honcho

  1. M

    The 10 Best And 10 Worst Automotive Technologies

    I would like to add the BMW auto stop/start feature to the worst list. Not only does this feature do the exact opposite of what is intended (it actually uses more gas than saves), it adds extra wear and tear on the engine. The biggest annoyance is I have to turn it off every time I start my car.
  2. M

    OUYA Android Console Now in Stores, Sells Out Quick

    That's pretty fecal of them to have these available at retail locations before they get them to all of their kickstarter backers.
  3. M

    Say What? Average PC Cannot Handle EA's Ignite Engine

    This is EA's way of saying, "We don't feel that taking the time to develop a proper PC version will be worth our money."
  4. M

    Noctua Revealed a Prototype CPU Cooler with Active Noise-Cancellation

    Just when you thought it couldn't get any bigger...
  5. M

    Record DDR3 Memory Overclock on ASRock Micro-ATX Mobo

    Yay LN2. Move along folks, nothing to see here.
  6. M

    Nvidia Rolling Out ShadowPlay, the Gaming PVR, on June 25

    This will produce some of the most epic gaming videos the world will see. Awesome concept. Can't wait.
  7. M

    E3 2013: Hands-on with the OUYA Android Console

    Rooted phone + synced PS3 remote + AV cable = no reason for this to exist.
  8. M

    AMD Assures Better Coolers for Radeon HD 8000 Cards

    I gladly pay the premium for a quieter card with better cooling. It's a no brainer. I don't understand why they have been so stingy in that area. Maybe it's just so they can have similar numbers on paper with a lower price point, but that seems like cheating to me.
  9. M

    Corsair Launches Vengeance Pro Series Memory

    I guess they learned their lesson with the "custom" colored light bars on the Dominator series. $35 for 2 pieces of colored plastic that was only enough for 2 sticks.
  10. M

    G.Skill Introduces the TridentX DDR3-3000 MHz 32 GB Kit

    Who is the target demographic for this kit?
  11. M

    Blockbuster UK Reports Record-breaking Xbox One Pre-orders

    Wow, it smashed numbers from previous Blockbuster pre-order events? Maybe that's because nobody has ever bought a console from Blockbuster until now.
  12. M

    Google Banning Facial Recognition Apps on Glass

    My mom told me I couldn't stay out past midnight when I was younger. Guess what? I did anyway. Stay classy Google. Privacy is overrated to you guys.
  13. M

    Google Banning Facial Recognition Apps on Glass

    My mom told me I couldn't stay out past midnight when I was younger. Guess what? I did anyway. Stay classy Google. Privacy is overrated to you guys.