Nvidia Rolling Out ShadowPlay, the Gaming PVR, on June 25

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Would be nice if there an article later to compare Shadow Play and FRAPS video capturing and to see pro and con for both softwares. So far the con might be the feature only available for geforce user 😛 . will AMD going to release something similar to radeon user? If i'm not mistaken the 7k radeons also have something similar to nvidia NVENC inside it's hardware
And not to Titan?!? Wha?!? I'm sad... What about my 690... I use FRAPS all the time. Being able to dump it for something better wouldn't make me sad at all. Even if it was just a live recording and not the capture the past thing this mentioned... I'll still take it. But the 7 series wasn't something I was looking at to be honest. I was considering a Titan but... I'm a rare, weird extremist like that...
I use Msi Afterburner with my 7950 it uses 3 different types of compression you can also set the resolution and frame rate

AFAIK Shadow Play should be able to work with any Kepler based gpu
This would actually provide a nice backup if not live streaming. As for FRAPS I'd say it's seeing less and less use these days with the convenience and ease of streaming with OBS or Xsplit.

Twitch has made editing videos fairly painless with simple slider adjustments for highlighting and effectively one click uploads of highlights to YouTube. (it's really 3 clicks, but takes less than 5 seconds)
Nvidia is starting to build themselves a nice little software utility ecosystem, while AMD is still stuck on trying to fix microstutter lol.

I seriously hope AMD does fix the microstutter issue. I like to have options.

Right now they aren't even on my radar. That sucks from a consumer standpoint.

I haven't check the driver feedback thread over nvidia forum yet what exactly common problem people are having with the drivers? For me the driver working just fine with my GTX660 SLI

i think its mainly crashes, these disappear as soon as you use NVidia inspector to force a stable clock rate, rather than boost clock bs that causes crashes in quite a few games for me.

I've been extremely happy with the launch of Nvidia Geforce Experience Software. Auto driver updates, Auto game profile optimize settings and now shadow play! Nvidia has always been strong in the software department and this is why I stand by them. Software support is fantastic!

I think the last AMD I used was a HD5770 in my wife's computer, Now a 650ti boost. The last AMD i used in my gaming rig was 9800XT 256MB
Yup. Kombustor is msi version of Furmak. Ithink he meant the video recording feature that comes with msi after burner. But as i know it Shadow Play will work differently from the video capture that built into msi AB. I thinkit works more like FRAPS
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