Recent content by milenski1994

  1. M

    Question I need some help to buy a low budget graphics card

    With this kind of CPU you are pretty much very GPU limited. Which games you want to play?
  2. M

    Question Upgrading from 4th gen Intel i3 4160 to a decent budget 4k gaming rig: 4th gen i7 4790k vs. 8th gen i7 8700k + Mobo + Ram?

    For RAM i would suggest 16 GB (2x8 GB) with something like 3000 MHz speed would be enough for a dual-channel (more RAM speed only gives you like 1-2% more performance at 4k). I would go for the 8700K, because its still one of the best CPUs for gaming. 6 cores are more than enough for gaming...
  3. M

    Question Is my CPU ok?

    I changed the cooler to work at 100% fan speed when CPU reaches 75 C and above and my exhaust fans (Noctua NF-A12x25) to use 75% speed at the same temp, but the results were almost the same. I am not sure if the CPU cooler is good enough for the i9-9900k.
  4. M

    Question Is my CPU ok?

    Hello! I have noticed some temps on my CPU, which i am not sure, if they are ok or not. (all the tests are done with Hardware Info). My idle temps are average 42 C (browsing youtube and facebook) and noticed that it reached 66 C max temp. On the other hand when i play games like Assassin's Creed...