Recent content by MirageTPX

  1. MirageTPX

    [SOLVED] Is 80-90°c safe when stress testing an overclocked i7-7700k (4.8Ghz)?

    Alright thanks for the info, i'll try to get that done.
  2. MirageTPX

    [SOLVED] Is 80-90°c safe when stress testing an overclocked i7-7700k (4.8Ghz)?

    I've been running Prime 95, thanks for the info! :)
  3. MirageTPX

    [SOLVED] Is 80-90°c safe when stress testing an overclocked i7-7700k (4.8Ghz)?

    I recently got a PC with a 7700k for a pretty cheap price and started overclocking recently. My motherboard (gigabyte-z270-hd3) has inbuilt overclocking profiles for the i7-7700k. I've been using the 4.6ghz profile for a few days and when stress testing it only reached 84° at max but stayed...
  4. MirageTPX

    Question Good cpu cooler for i7-3770k

    Well, that's a rip. I guess I'm just gonna have to live with the turbo boost.
  5. MirageTPX

    Question Good cpu cooler for i7-3770k

    If my motherboard doesn't do any overclocking can I still use the Intel XTU software to overclock?
  6. MirageTPX

    Question Good cpu cooler for i7-3770k

    I'm getting a new processor soon and want to over clock it. My goal is to get to 4.6ghz but I'm not entirely sure what cooler to get, will the Deepcool Gammaxx GT A-RGB CPU Cooler be good enough for it? My power supply is the corsair cx650m, which should be fine. My motherboard is the Asrock...
  7. MirageTPX

    [SOLVED] Is the Deepcool Alta 9 good enough to cool an overclocked i7-3770k?

    Will that be enough to OC to 4.6Ghz?
  8. MirageTPX

    [SOLVED] Is the Deepcool Alta 9 good enough to cool an overclocked i7-3770k?

    I'm thinking of buying this i7 for a low price and want to know a good/cheap cooler for it while it's overclocked
  9. MirageTPX

    [SOLVED] Is It possible to reinstall graphics drivers on another drive?

    Thanks alot, the ssd is only a small 60gb drive. The PC i got was only 200 and i managed to upgrade it for another 300 by fitting in another power supply and gpu, i'm thinking of selling it later down the line so i think an ssd upgrade won't really be needed.
  10. MirageTPX

    [SOLVED] Is It possible to reinstall graphics drivers on another drive?

    I only have 60gb space on my boot ssd and only have 2 gb left, my radeon graphics drivers are currently on my ssd, is it possible to uninstall them and reinstall them on my secondary hard drive safely? Im asking here because i want to be sure that nothing will happen when i uninstall my drivers...