Recent content by Mo.R

  1. Mo.R


    Yes that's true, so if i replace the cooling, and possibly the case fans (for example be quiet fans), the case would not be such of a problem..right? if i get a good well known brand one from corsair for example
  2. Mo.R


    I don't mind what brand it is, I just found some good looking cooler master cases. My budget is under £100 Amd 2600 stock cooler. Rx 580/1060
  3. Mo.R


    hi, i have a list of micro atx cases from cooler master, and i wanted to know which one is the quietest. the list is: masterbox-nr400, mastercase-pro-3. also, if there are quieter micro atx cases please let me know. thanks in advance
  4. Mo.R

    Question Gtx 1060 quietness

    thanks a lot
  5. Mo.R

    [SOLVED] Is Gtx 1060 3gb bottlenecking ryzen 5 2600?

    so would it be better to get a 6gb version to prevent this
  6. Mo.R

    Question Gtx 1060 quietness

    so is that for all models, or is it for only specific ones, like asus?
  7. Mo.R

    Question Better cpus than ryzen 2600

    So would the 2600 be better than the 2700 in gaming. And would it be better at video editing?
  8. Mo.R

    Question Ryzen 2600 with gtx 1060

    Oh ok thanks very much
  9. Mo.R

    Question Ryzen 2600 with gtx 1060

    By that I mean by do they work well together. Do they bottleneck?
  10. Mo.R

    Question Better cpus than ryzen 2600

    Are there any better amd cpus than the ryzen 5 2600/x, apart from the 2700. Thanks
  11. Mo.R

    Question Ryzen 2600 with gtx 1060

    Is Ryzen 2600 a good match with the gtx 1060/ti. Or are there any amd cpus which are a better match. Thanks
  12. Mo.R

    Question Gtx 1060 quietness

    Hi, I want to know if the Gtx 1060/ti is a quiet card.if there are could you give me the names. I'm not looking for single fan ones, due to dual and triple look better in my opinion. Thanks
  13. Mo.R

    Question Micro atx in mid tower case

    Hi, might was wondering if a micro atx motherboard would look weird in a mid tower case. As I think there would be a lot of space left around it, if I don't do water Cooling or uservices an AIO. Is this true? I'm thinking of getting a be quiet case, because they are quiet, but they don't make...
  14. Mo.R

    Question RX 580

    hi, ive heard somewhere that radeon graphics cards are loud, is the rx 580 or 590 one of them. if it is could you suggest soem quite graphic card around under £300 thanks in advance
  15. Mo.R


    Hi I'm aware of how to Download windows 10, but I wanted to know how long it would take given the description of my specs and Internet speed. I've got 8gb ram, 1.9ghz dual core.