Recent content by MrDooDoo69

  1. M

    [SOLVED] 5g isnt giving low latency

    yes he does use 5g as well, could it be a fault on the isp's side? i hope not because it is almost impossible to get work done with the isps here
  2. M

    [SOLVED] 5g isnt giving low latency

    yes i am using an ethernet cable
  3. M

    [SOLVED] 5g isnt giving low latency

    i live 20 miles from the server used in the speed test and the fortnite servers are like 300 miles away from me ,my friends 200 miles away from the server get around 5 ms in game.
  4. M

    [SOLVED] 5g isnt giving low latency

    -speedtest results, i did get 15 ms on the speedtest
  5. M

    [SOLVED] 5g isnt giving low latency

    ive recently switched to 5g and while 5g is supposed to be give me a response time of 1 millisecond, mine gives me 20 milliseconds while i am very close to the tower in my there something i need to do with my router or is there something else
  6. M

    Question Low CPU and GPU usage

    i just realized dx12 was the problem,i switched to dx 11 but still the game uses 70% of my gpu and only 30% of my cpu
  7. M

    [SOLVED] Low CPU and GPU usage

    i have the same problem and all cores roughly have the same usage,my cpu is always at 40% usage and my gpu at 20% when i play fortnite and my fps drops from 144 to 20 alot of the time my specs-r7 2700x @ 3.7ghz nvidia evga gtx 1660 16gb ram @3200mhz
  8. M

    Question Low CPU and GPU usage

    I play fortnite competitively, my pc's specs are decent, however my game stutters like hell, it drops to 20 fps, and sometimes i can notice input lag .my cpu is always at 40-50% usage and my gpu is always at 20% usage, all temps are good. pc specs-16gb ram @3200mhz ryzen r7...
  9. M

    Question My ping in fortnite

    1.I live in oman 2.I am 1216 km away from the bahrain fortnite servers(middle east) 3.I used to use an isp known as ooredoo, I had 50 ping and all of a sudden one day it didnt go below 150ms 4. I changed my isp to omantel,everything was fine and i was getting around 40ms but then again it went...
  10. M

    Question My ping in fortnite

    1.I live in oman 2.I am 1216 km away from the bahrain fortnite servers(middle east) 3.I used to use an isp known as ooredoo, I had 50 ping and all of a sudden one day it didn't go below 150ms 4. I changed my isp to omantel,everything was fine and i was getting around 40ms but then again it went...
  11. M

    Question See in cmd when i ping the fortnite mid east server it says average 50ms but ingame it is 150ms.

    in my area i only have broadband option so i use a 4g modem...that doesnt seem to be the ping was stable at 50ms before
  12. M

    Question See in cmd when i ping the fortnite mid east server it says average 50ms but ingame it is 150ms.

    This is my result from ping plotter.(fortnite mid eastern server).But i get around 150ms in - game My pingplotter result
  13. M

    Question See in cmd when i ping the fortnite mid east server it says average 50ms but ingame it is 150ms.

    Is there any way to fix this and how exactly do i find out what ip the game uses and the actual latency??
  14. M

    Question See in cmd when i ping the fortnite mid east server it says average 50ms but ingame it is 150ms.

    when i pinged the mid east server in cmd it says avg 50ms but in - game it is over 160ms