Recent content by NoCanDosVilleBabyDoll

  1. N

    [SOLVED] Ram Overclock failed

    i have G.skill ripjaws 2x8gbs 3200mhz 16 CL ram. it seems to be ok for now, im still unsure if the issue is persisting.
  2. N

    [SOLVED] Ram Overclock failed

    Yeah i did that, now i just shut my pc off and took my ram out and back in. it seems ok so far im not sure if it fixed it, i read somewhere that that might fix it. you have any more ideas? thanks in advance!
  3. N

    [SOLVED] Ram Overclock failed

    I tried to overclock my ram slightly, from 3200mhz (the advertised speed, to 3400) so it wasnt a huge OC attempt. anyways, it failed, got a blue screen and then my pc shut off, as i turn it back on, it comes on but it didn't post. so i read online, they tell me to reset the cmos something, i do...
  4. N

    [SOLVED] Weird booting issue, what could be causing it?

    All right, I might just bring it in to the shop because I can’t get a straight answer anywhere online. But I’m glad I could get any type of answer. Hopefully they can fix that for me for not too expensive! Thanks for your time
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    [SOLVED] Weird booting issue, what could be causing it?

    I really don't know how to do all that manually nor do I have the tools at hand. but thank you for your input. I will probably have to end up taking it to a shop. And yeah, that PSU was actually suggested to me by the very shop i usually go to. I feel like this is something they do so that I end...
  6. N

    [SOLVED] Weird booting issue, what could be causing it?

    I don’t know where the to start with this or what is causing this issue and that’s why I’m here Before I begin here are my computer specs. Intel Core i7-2600 3.4 GHz Quad-Core Processor Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ASRock H61M-VG3 Mini ITX LGA1155...