Recent content by noelaits

  1. N

    Disabled vídeo driver

    Hi, i had an issue where Windows 10 would boot to a black screen, SO i booted in safe mode and i disabled the vídeo adapter, that fixed ir, but if i enable ir again it the problem comes back, SO mi question Is: Can i use the PC like this or Will i hace any problems?
  2. N

    can you lock gpu core clock?

    i have an r9 380 strix 2gb, and i wanna run some tests and benchmarks but gpu boost is really anoying, is there a way to disable it and lock the core clock?
  3. N

    gpu throtling like crazy

    so, i recently bought a r9 380 strix 2gb and while playing games the core clock is fluctuating like crazy and that causes the game to stutter, its ussally fluctuating between 650-950mhz (rarely reaching the 990 max) but in some extreme cases it goes all the way down to 450/500. this is really...
  4. N

    Pc wont turn on

    I tested the psu and ram on another board, they both work fine, i didnt see any leds on the mobo are you sure this one has a power led?
  5. N

    Pc wont turn on

    So, i just built a new pc with an msi h81m e33 mobo and an i3 4170 but it wont turn on. The fans dont even start spinnimg, im thinking the mobo might need a BIOS update but i dont have an older cpu.
  6. N

    amd gpu drivers

    Hi, i want to install the older catalyst driver for my r9 380 because im having problems with the crimson drivers. how do i do that? should i just install the catalyst dirver? or do i have to uninstall the crimson driver first? if so, how do i uninstall it?
  7. N

    IS this psu good for my build?

    So, i currently own an evga 500w 80+ psu and im planning to get the r9 380 I have an i3 4170, 2x4 4gb ddr3 and h81M e33 mobo I really dont wanna buy a new psu. What do you think?
  8. N

    How good is this pc?

    So, this is my pc: CPU: AMD a6 6400k apu MOBO: MSI A68HM-E33 RAM: 4gb ddr3 1600 mhz no gpu what do you think? can this run modern titles? if not, what games can it run?
  9. N

    My first pc build!

  10. N

    My first pc build!

    Hi, im building my first pc and im looking for some advice. this are the parts: CPU: i5-4440 3.1GHz Motherboard: Msi H81m-e33 GPU: GTX960 2gb Ram: kingston 8gb(1x8) 1600MHz i already have a case and a 500w psu. havent picked a storage drive yet. What do you think?
  11. N

    Building my first pc!