Recent content by paourissi

  1. P

    Question Freeze/loading screen pc rtx 3080 on gameplay

    This problem occurs when im playing on my OLED LG 4k with 120fps and G-sync. When im playing at my other 2160x1440p monitor with no g-sync this problem doesnt occur. Is it possible that g-sync causing this? I always play on fullscreen
  2. P

    Question Freeze/loading screen pc rtx 3080 on gameplay

    I used as you said the msi afterburner. Vram seems stable at 7gb. I dont think that is a vram issue here.
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    Question Freeze/loading screen pc rtx 3080 on gameplay

    I have a weird issue right now and iam wondering if it is a DLSS setting problem. I just bought an RTX 3080 and i have installed all the latest drivers. Im playing the latest games for pc such as Spider-man remastered and uncharted lost legacy. I noticed that when i enabled the dlss setting...
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    Windows 10 freezing from 5820k overclocking at 4.0ghz

    That's the problem. The crashes are so random that i cant find any pattern. Crashes occur like 1 or 2 in a week period.Its very frustrating.
  5. P

    Memory issue Windows 10 freezing

    My pc: i7-5820k overclocked 4.1Ghz 1200V x99s msi plus 16g ram 2400hz psu 1000w corsair ssd 840 evo gtx 1080 ti My pc freezes randomly 4/5 times a week. I have tested the ssd and its fine. I also revert to stock everything and 1 week later again my pc froze. My memory sticks didnt come from a...
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    Windows 10 freezing from 5820k overclocking at 4.0ghz

    So i did revert to stock everything and 1 week later again my pc froze. My memory sticks didnt come from a kit. I bought one and months later i bought the other. So it might be memory. What do you think?
  7. P

    DDR4 Ram Increase Voltage but Bios shows the same

    My pc: i7-5820k x99s msi plus 16g ram 2400mhz crucial ballistix sport psu 1000w corsair ssd 840 evo gtx 1080 ti I try to increase the voltage from the bios. The default voltage is 1.216v. I changed the Dram chA/B voltage and Dram chC/D voltage from the bios to 1.250v. After restarting the...
  8. P

    i7 5820k OC 4.0GHZ Automatic Overclocking

    My pc: i7-5820k x99s msi plus 16g ram 2400mhz crucial ballistix sport psu 1000w corsair ssd 840 evo gtx 1080 ti My cpu's stock speed is 3.30ghz with Voltage 1.080v in auto mode. I have noticed that if i overclock at 4.0 without changing the Voltage manually the voltage automatically is...
  9. P

    HELP Memtest86+ v7.4 shows errors

    Yeah i bought them seperately. Ok i will try to test them one by one. Ps Windows memory diognostic tool doesnt show any errors
  10. P

    HELP Memtest86+ v7.4 shows errors

    When i run memetes86 v7.4 in one core it show errors. In multi cores just freezes after a while. Is it the memory?Do i have to change it. My spec and result are in the links below:
  11. P

    Enable XMP if ram already at advertised speed?

    My pc: i7-5820k x99s msi plus 16g ram 2400mhz crucial ballistix sport psu 1000w corsair ssd 840 evo gtx 1080 ti My bios settings show memory speed 2400mhz which is the advertised speed of the memory. Do i need to enable XMP (i dont want to get any higher) or the speed is not what it looks...