Recent content by papalzru

  1. papalzru

    Question 2 Prong to 3 Prong Adapter

    Thank you so much for your help. Really appreciate it.
  2. papalzru

    Question 2 Prong to 3 Prong Adapter

    Sorry to be a pain but I want to be 100 percent but I buy it. Is it this one?
  3. papalzru

    Question 2 Prong to 3 Prong Adapter

    The link brings up several different ones when I click on it. Could you point me to the exact one. Cheers
  4. papalzru

    Question 2 Prong to 3 Prong Adapter

    Heres the 2 ends.
  5. papalzru

    Question 2 Prong to 3 Prong Adapter

    Ahh, I didn't think of that. It does have a removable power cord. That would be a lot simpler, as I have a cable that fits it. Can you tell me if the 2 pics are compatible. Cheers
  6. papalzru

    Question 2 Prong to 3 Prong Adapter

    Its an Acer Nitro 5. I got it for a good price off Spanish Amazon.
  7. papalzru

    Question 2 Prong to 3 Prong Adapter

    Sorry if this is a stupid question but Im clueless on electrics and I think its better safe than sorry. My sons new gaming laptop has come with a 2 prong charger cable. Can someone please tell me what size amp/voltage adapter i need to buy for the UK 3 prong . I dont want to risk damaging it...
  8. papalzru

    Question Macbook purchase advice ?

    Thank you both for your honest replies. Just to confirm, would something like the following not be worth buying? Macbook Cheers
  9. papalzru

    Question Macbook purchase advice ?

    My daughter wants a Macbook for University. She's asked me for help in purchasing one. I really haven't got a clue as I am a Windows user. She needs it for day to day University work. She doesn't want to spend a fortune but also doesn't want something thats useless. I think around 500-600 mark...
  10. papalzru

    Help buying a Laptop

    Clueless when it comes to buying a laptop so thought I'd ask on here if anyone could help me out, I only have a small budget, so would like to get the most for my money. I bought a laptop a while ago and its really slow and freezes regularly. I dont think it was made for the things I like to do...
  11. papalzru

    [SOLVED] New Gaming PC Build

    Are they hard to find? Cheers
  12. papalzru

    [SOLVED] New Gaming PC Build

    Hi, thanks for all your help. I'm starting to order parts today. Is it not worth getting the 750w psu and 3070 gfx card? I'm wondering if itd be better to get the better ones for the future. Also, is everything definitely compatible with each other and the case dimensions. I'm actually...
  13. papalzru

    [SOLVED] New Gaming PC Build

    Thank you for you help, its really appreciated. He wants to buy this Asus VG278QR 27inch FHD (1920x1080) eSports gaming monitor
  14. papalzru

    [SOLVED] New Gaming PC Build

    My son has decided he'd like a new Gaming PC build. He is no expert and neither am I. Can someone please look over it and see if there are any conflicts or anything. CPU - Intel Core i7 9700k CPU Cooler - ARCTIC Freezer 34 eSports DUO GPU - GEFORCE RTX 3070 Motherboard - MSI B550-A PRO ATX...
  15. papalzru

    Question Dodgy Tablet

    Ah I see what you mean. Its lots of different passwords to be fair.