Recent content by parker_307

  1. parker_307

    Question Front case fan makes a rattling noise ?

    Sure some pictures would help. But maybe its time for some new fans, We'll have to see though
  2. parker_307

    Question Front case fan makes a rattling noise ?

    Hello Lets start with this, how old is the fan? And to gain access to the front panel and to remove the dust filter look in the manual for the case. Can also be found here. Check for anything maybe hitting the fan or any other observations and let me know. Thanks! And to answer your questions...
  3. parker_307

    Question Laptop for video editing ?

    I use the ASUS Proart series works great for me Few months of creative cloud for free too :D
  4. parker_307

    Question Computer suddenly stops working

    Can you try plugging in the hdmi cord to your motherboard? if it has onboard graphics. And see if that works.
  5. parker_307

    Question First time server build - - - motherboard compatibility ?

    If the rosewill one supports ATX. id say go for it. I use ATX boards in some of my server builds.
  6. parker_307

    Question rgb software for Corsair ram

    Im not too sure, but im pretty sure they would lock it to only their software, knowing most companies nowadays.
  7. parker_307

    Question Need Help with slow connection speeds after getting a new PC.

    Hello, the Ethernet and WIFI had decent speeds before we switched pcs, A brand new pc with a Asus Prime Z790-P . We have tried just about everything. We have used wifi, a wifi extender, and a wifi extender plugged in with ethernet, a powerline adapter and all the other things you can think of...
  8. parker_307

    Question Laptop battery drains to zero overnight when it's turned off ?

    I think you need to buy a new battery and see how it goes.
  9. parker_307

    Question Which laptop brand has the best cooling and doesn't throttle ?

    I would honestly say ASUS, they still will get hot. As will any laptop during gaming. But I currently use a Asus Proart. Has a RTX 3060 and I max out at 70c during gaming without a cooling pad under it.
  10. parker_307

    Question Wi-Fi adapter too slow Internet speed ?

    Well, is there any marking of the brand it could be? How is it connected to your PC?
  11. parker_307

    Question Laptop battery drains to zero overnight when it's turned off ?

    Do you fully shut your computer off? Where did you get the battery replaced at?
  12. parker_307

    Question 5 short beeps on startup ?

    Check your motherboard manual for the beep codes and see what it tells you. is your hdmi or display port plugged into your gpu?
  13. parker_307

    Question Pixelated graphics in games

    and your monitor is 1920x1080 right?