Recent content by Pinz

  1. P

    Question Crackling audio in a 6-month old PC - - what do the LatencyMon results mean ?

    Hello all I built a PC 6 months ago and have had numerous issues with it. The current issue I'm trying to resolve is crackling audio. I've updated all my drivers to my ASRock motherboard's recommended ones as well as even replacing the motherboard with a RMA. Even after replacing it I'm still...
  2. P

    Question Stuttering in games not caused by GPU.

    My BIOS is 3.01 and I have not tried that but I have completely reinstalled windows. Would i need to use DDU even after doing that?
  3. P

    Question Stuttering in games not caused by GPU.

    Hi all. I built a PC a few months back and have been trying to figure out what's causing my stuttering when loading new data when playing games. For instance if I open up a menu for the first time in that gaming session I will stutter or if a new player joins my party in WoW dungeons and raids I...
  4. P

    Question Audio and visual stuttering on new PC build ?

    Im not sure what a clean install entails. I made a USB drive into a installation tool using Windows tool creation program. I will try doing that as well as updating my BIOS because i think there's an update available. I haven't used DDU in ages since I remember reading it shouldn't matter but...
  5. P

    Question Audio and visual stuttering on new PC build ?

    I just built a new PC with the following specs. At first everything seemed fine, but for the past two or three days I've noticed when I'm playing a game (anything from Bloons TD6 to Baldur's Gate 3) and I have a browser video playing, or I'm in a discord...
  6. P

    Question Higher latency that my friend on the same network.

    Ok I just got on both of the PCs and used a ping cmd to ping and they both had the exact same ping. So I believe you are correct in your assumption. So far I have noticed it in two different games, them being Dead by Daylight and League of Legends. Do you have any idea what to look at now?
  7. P

    Question Higher latency that my friend on the same network.

    My friend and I play in the same house on the same internet from the same router and I have a CAT6 cable compared to her CAT5E cable that is twice the length of my cable. Yet I constantly have 50 higher ping than her. Does anyone know what might be causing this issue and how I might go about...
  8. P

    [SOLVED] My 4 year old PC keeps restarting with no obvious trigger. The restarts happen in different ways too.

    I built my PC in 2017 and it's been running fine with no issues until now. CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 (12nm) 3.2 GHz 6-Core Processor MOBO: ASRock AB350M Pro4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard Memory: Crucial Ballistix Sport LT 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-2400 CL16 Memory SSD: Western Digital Blue 500 GB 2.5"...
  9. P

    Disconnecting from games and internet intermittently.

    Hey all. Withing the past month my internet has been cutting out randomly for 20-30 seconds at a time and when it reconnects my speed drops drastically. I normally get around 60Mbps down but after these disconnects it lowers to around 4Mbps or sometimes down to a couple hundred Kbps. I've tried...
  10. P

    Disconnecting from games halfway.

    Hey all. I've been disconnecting from games and voice chats half way recently. What that means is that I can see other people's champions moving and hear people in my discord talking, but I can't move my own character and they can't hear me talking. As far as I can tell I'm not having major...
  11. P

    Games keep stuttering for .25-.5 seconds.

    Hey all! I recently built a new PC for the purpose of gaming and it ran great for the past one and a half months but recently my games have started stuttering. I started noticing it when I played Destiny 2. I figured oh well this is a brand new game must just be a bug. I read some other people...