Recent content by praxal

  1. P

    Odd Graphical texture glitches while gaming

    Done some fiddling with settings and fan controls, still no luck. I set the fan to max to hold down the temps while I played and I still got the glitches and texture spikes in every game I've tried. I'm beginning to thing it's just my GPU on its last legs.
  2. P

    Odd Graphical texture glitches while gaming

    Alright, so I restarted with no programs running to get a baseline. At idle my GPU sits at about 47C Playing Diablo 3 at high and low settings I hit about 81C and got the graphical and texture spike and pop ins. On WoW I got to about 74C and got quite a few issue with spell effect bugging and...
  3. P

    Odd Graphical texture glitches while gaming

    They were taken with my internet browser and about a dozen tabs open and skype and an email program all running.
  4. P

    Odd Graphical texture glitches while gaming

    The CCC only let me push it down 100MHz anyhow. And when I launched Diablo 3 I was getting a few spikes still, though as I exited the game it left me with nothing but a black screen and my mouse cursor, though I could still clicking things on my desktop.
  5. P

    Odd Graphical texture glitches while gaming

    Any advice on how to go about doing that with my memory specifically?
  6. P

    Odd Graphical texture glitches while gaming Here's the published snapshot.
  7. P

    Odd Graphical texture glitches while gaming

    I had already lowered my settings, it didn't work as I said in my original post. As for the RAM timings I'm not sure how to adjust those, but would it affect my graphical performance or correct any sort of glitches?
  8. P

    Odd Graphical texture glitches while gaming

    As of recently I've been having some odd texture pops while I'm gaming. In DIablo 3 it's showing as spikes of random colors that show for a second on the screen, usually during high action moments. In WoW some textures vanish and pop in and out repeatedly as well as the aforementioned random...