Recent content by Primo Flipper

  1. Primo Flipper

    Would this suffice?

    Best answer selected by Primo Flipper.
  2. Primo Flipper

    Would this suffice?

    Cheers! in USD it would've been cheaper maybe like $35-40 because where I am it's x2 of the price :( .... And my graphics card is a Radeon HD 7770 1GB DDR5
  3. Primo Flipper

    Would this suffice?

    Anyone have specs for what it can do or what is cappible of? For anything not just Arma....
  4. Primo Flipper

    Would this suffice?

    Sounds worth the $80 then! Cheers man! Because otherwise would've spent another $120 for the i5-3530k but only because I've heard so many good reviews about it!
  5. Primo Flipper

    Would this suffice?

    Well knowing my PC can do Arma 2 and DayZ well but not over 25-30 FPS on High and the fact the game is mostly run by the CPU, curious if my new 8 Core will do? And no I cannot buy or trade for a new CPU and it's very rare in my country for a Phenom ii x6 processor... But curently I have a...
  6. Primo Flipper

    Graphics battle!

    Sorry cannot afford any higher than a 660Ti and a 7850 for any of the same prices as the 7950 or any of those..... :( Well at least not in my country.... :(
  7. Primo Flipper

    Graphics battle!

    Best answer selected by Primo Flipper.
  8. Primo Flipper

    Graphics battle!

    Now have money spare after buying few new computers and wondered what was better in everyway (Or just better in oun opinion) in power usage texture per frame and textiles and so on, so they are: Radeon Sapphire HD 4670 1GB DDR3 Nvidia GeForce GT 630 (440 I think it's called aswell?) 1GB DDR3...
  9. Primo Flipper

    Is this a good PC for running Arma II?

    What would be a suitable amount or cores, 6? If I were to go after a better cpu then I'll need to spend another $500-$600 just for a better cpu with 4-6 cores! I'd rather buy that then use my old chip if it will preform better...
  10. Primo Flipper

    Is this a good PC for running Arma II?

    I'll be paying $600 for it with extra cost of things included. Playing for maybe 3.5 - 5 hours straight some days maybe longer. Sadley I cannot get any other processor for more cores or a Phenon... I have one in my current PC but nothing more than what this one has (Apart from being 3.6Ghz...
  11. Primo Flipper

    What's better?

    "Ask your buddies what frame rates they are getting. And compare them to yours. That would be an easy way." Yeah but some games run better with Nvidia cards then they do with Radeon and vise-versa
  12. Primo Flipper

    What's better?

    Cheers guys! I had a LAN party recently where me and my mates all got together and tested what could be maxed out and played with the best FPS so they knew what games they should buy,and yes mine is still superior! The main thing I saw though was running DayZ was actually easier for my mates...
  13. Primo Flipper

    What's better?

    Best answer selected by Primo Flipper.
  14. Primo Flipper

    Please help

    From my understanding it should do, need atleast a 400w powersupply though at minimum, maybe a 450w-550w if you're planning on upgrading in the future. Out of curiosity what is your current graphics card? And what games are you planning on playing with this new card?
  15. Primo Flipper

    What's better?

    Hello, I was wondering because all of my friends recently all bought new computers I would like to know if my PC is still superior! All of my friends computers and mine are exactly the same, but the one differnce between mine and theres is I have a Radeon ATI HD 7750 1GB DDR5 and they all have...