Recent content by puke.rainbow

  1. puke.rainbow

    Question It's normal having 54 C degrees on idle? i5 9600kf

    Yesterday I turned off the PC for a few hours and when I turned it on the temperature was 45 C degrees. Then I changed the pump speed to performance and now the temperature is 41 C degrees
  2. puke.rainbow

    Question It's normal having 54 C degrees on idle? i5 9600kf

    It's all as default. I didn't change anything
  3. puke.rainbow

    Question It's normal having 54 C degrees on idle? i5 9600kf

    Yes, for some reason it appears like this but I can still control the speed with the application. The cables are connected to the pump cables
  4. puke.rainbow

    Question It's normal having 54 C degrees on idle? i5 9600kf

    As it appears in the first image, it only has 2% load and has that temperature. There is no application running in the background. The ambient temperature is very low
  5. puke.rainbow

    Question It's normal having 54 C degrees on idle? i5 9600kf

    The radiator is placed on top of the case. The fans blow the air out. This is how I have it installed
  6. puke.rainbow

    Question It's normal having 54 C degrees on idle? i5 9600kf

    yes, I checked it several times :/
  7. puke.rainbow

    Question It's normal having 54 C degrees on idle? i5 9600kf

    Hi everyone. I have an i5 9600kf with Corsair h100i v2 and on idle I get 55 C degrees and playing games like CoD MW or Apex gets up to 69 C degrees. Is that normal? I haven't OC the processor. The thermal paste I use is Cooler Master essential e2 Thanks