Recent content by r.vartanyanov

  1. r.vartanyanov

    [SOLVED] XFX 580 at 1750 Mhz Memory Clock ?

    I was thinking the same thing but I dont think a 4gb would go even close to 25mh/s on ETH. Also I have 470 and 480 running at 2150 and 2200 on the memory. Maybe if they DID flashed an older 480 some buggs appeared? What if I try to put a 480 bios on the "580" ? Should I try that ?
  2. r.vartanyanov

    [SOLVED] XFX 580 at 1750 Mhz Memory Clock ?

    Today i got a used XFX 580 8GB for mining I thought all 580 8GB should be 2000mhz on the memory ? This one not only stays at 1750 but IF I TRY TO GO even to 1850 it starts crashing like crazy both in windows or hiveOs ????? Its a dual bios GPU so I tried switching to the second bios, which...
  3. r.vartanyanov

    Question Help ! Rx 570 Stuck at 1041mhz

    UPDATE: I tried something that everybody is saying NOT to do, I flashed an Asus 570 BIOS on the Gigabyte card and it KIND OF fixed the problem. The core clock goes to 1300mhz if untouched, but If I try to undervolt it automaticallt goes down to 1156 which is State/Phase 5 or 1156mhz at 65285...
  4. r.vartanyanov

    Question Help ! Rx 570 Stuck at 1041mhz

    So I bought a second hand GIGABYTE Rx 570 8gb for mining purposes and I tried it in Hive OS and Windows but by default the core clock just WON'T go above a 1041mhs which i think is the 4-th Phase/state when looking in Polaris Bios Editor -I have tried flashing new bios - not helping -I have...
  5. r.vartanyanov

    [SOLVED] Mining with Rx 580 and Rx 480 but can't OC Memory

    So from what I read, seems like only the Sapphire and some XFX cards have dual bios ?
  6. r.vartanyanov

    [SOLVED] Mining with Rx 580 and Rx 480 but can't OC Memory

    I have Asus Strix 480 Samsung , MSI Armor 570 (Micron) and Gigabyte Gaming 580, also samsung memory.
  7. r.vartanyanov

    [SOLVED] Mining with Rx 580 and Rx 480 but can't OC Memory

    That's something i've heard before, what doest it mean for a card to have second BIOS ? Does it need to have it from factory or can I "upload" second one? Is the second one somewho overriding the first ? What is the point of it ?
  8. r.vartanyanov

    [SOLVED] Mining with Rx 580 and Rx 480 but can't OC Memory

    So I have a mining rig with 3 GPUs MSI Z390 GAMING Plus I3 9100F ( using the 580 card for monitor) DeepCool DA700 Watt PSU 570 Micron , 580 and 480 both samsung I get 570 to 2200 with 1150/950mV up to 31 mh/s with no bios modding /doesnt work on it. but with 480 and 580 whatever i do I cant...