Recent content by R_1

  1. R_1

    [SOLVED] Rendering on PC trips the circuit-breaker ?

    at the very least you need a beefy UPS so you can safely shut down the system when the circuit trips. short of adding a larger breaker in the main or running an extension to a larger circuit that is the best I can think of.
  2. R_1

    News U.S. National Security Agency Issues Up on Crypto-Resistant Encryption

    "The agency's interest in quantum computing is such, even, that as a part of the document trove leaked by Edward Snowden, it was revealed that the agency invested $79.7 million in a research program titled “Penetrating Hard Targets” - which aimed to explore whether a quantum computer " it ends...
  3. R_1

    News New FPS Cheating Tool Uses Machine Learning, Is Impossible to Detect

    "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play" W.O.P.R. "how about a nice game of chess?"
  4. R_1

    [SOLVED] PC crashes to a black screen for unknown reasons

    memtest86 is made to test for RAM errors. download it, fire it up and let it run for 5 passes or so, first bo5th sticks together, if no errors your good, if you throw an error, remove one and test each stick. no errors is the magic number. ZERO. that is not a 600W unit, its a 480W. its branded...
  5. R_1

    [SOLVED] PC crashes to a black screen for unknown reasons

    what is the make and model of the PSU, open the case and take a picture of the label and post it here. there are 550W units that can only provide 300W. post the label so we can get a full view of the issue please "no name 550W (bad, I know)" the first thing I would suggest is to swap PSU's. a...
  6. R_1

    [SOLVED] Problems with pc after building This is the new build troubleshooter. most issues are covered here. Go down the list, every one and make sure. If you still cannot boot after the checklist post back here with...
  7. R_1

    [SOLVED] Refurbished Peripherals

    $45 off of 130. I have been known to buy refurbished items and have had no issues, the problem is who refurbished it. I have had GPU's that were refurbished (MSI GT-440) as it had a different cooler on it than stock I would say the fan failed, card still works. a wired headset? probably a bad...
  8. R_1

    [SOLVED] Monitor wont work with pc but works with laptop

    Welcome to the Forums 👍 if the monitor works with a different source, then the source is the issue. do you have another monitor you could try on the computer? if another monitor also fails to work the GPU or the motherbord is the most likely culprit. What are your specs in as much detail as...
  9. R_1

    [SOLVED] Cannot delete some files no matter what I try

    WARNING - DRAGONS AHEAD - YOU CAN SERIOUSLY SCREW THINGS UP - if you are SURE the file can safely be deleted (not a windows file), write the location of that file down so you know where it is on the drive later. My Canned Rant about Deleting Stubborn Windows Files- Boot to a USB drive with...
  10. R_1

    News How to Farm Chia Coin, the New Storage-Based Cryptocurrency

    Just change the name to Toms Mining. mining mining mining all the time. no hard drive no problem we will add to the fire, that GPU is 1200 bucks because we fanned the flames of electricity burning fake <Mod Edit> money. <Mod Edit>
  11. R_1

    News Hard Drive and SSD Shortages Are Imminent If This New Cryptocurrency Blooms

    this is why Toms will eventually only cover mining equipment, the rest of us will be priced right out of our hobby, IDK how long my 10 year old GPU will last and I cannot afford to sell my house to get a new one cause, you know, electricity burning fake money.
  12. R_1

    [SOLVED] Is my Wired router failing?

    I just replaced mine for the same reason. different router but similar behavior. have you run for a time with no router, straight off the modem? if all is well without the router this will add credence to the router being suspect. check the voltages from the power adapter, wall warts can go bad...
  13. R_1

    [SOLVED] How can I bin my 5600x?

    trial and error through overclocking and tweaking is the definitive way
  14. R_1

    Question Can't get computer to post or anything ànything

    the power on for a split secondis usually a BIOS issue or the PSU. do you have a spare PSU you could use for testing, a friend/sibling with a pc you could play swapsies with?
  15. R_1

    Question Can't get computer to post or anything ànything

    firt thing that jumps out at me is to have you verify that 2400g and the tomahawk are compatible, the motherboard may need a BIOS update to support that APU. the next is you did not list any RAM and a system will not boot without RAM. I'm sure you just forgot to list it. first a word on...