Recent content by RaccoonPete

  1. RaccoonPete

    Should i upgrade gpu or cpu first?

    It's up to you and what you want to use it for. If you plan on using this for gaming then upgrading the GPU would have the most noticeable performance difference. Otherwise, go with the CPU.
  2. RaccoonPete

    CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED Error - Windows 10

    I've spent the past few hours trying to resolve this myself with no luck, so if the Windows gods of Toms Hardware could help me out I'd appreciate it. I came back from work to discover that my PC which I had left locked had a BSOD displaying the error code CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED. I restarted it...
  3. RaccoonPete

    Video Card problem

    Where are you looking that it isn't detecting the GPU?
  4. RaccoonPete

    Video Card problem

    Did you uninstall the previous drivers?
  5. RaccoonPete

    Wifi showing 'no connections available'

    Restart your modem/router. If that doesn't work see if you are able to connect to other wifi signals.
  6. RaccoonPete

    PSU upgrade for my Dell Alienware Aurora

    Do you know the wattage of your PSU?
  7. RaccoonPete

    Wifi showing 'no connections available'

    Can you provide some more information?
  8. RaccoonPete

    GTX 780 Significant Performance Decrease

    Bumping to help a friend out.
  9. RaccoonPete

    280x Overlaps Mobo

  10. RaccoonPete

    280x Overlaps Mobo

    It does touch the mobo however I realized I can just unscrew the backplate completely. Is there any disadvantage to having it removed?
  11. RaccoonPete

    280x Overlaps Mobo

    So my two Sapphire 280x's got here today and when I go to install them to the mobo the metal backplate where the VGA/HDMI/DVI plugs are on the gpu goes so far down that it touches the edges of the mobo. I can't move it at all so it won't do it so i'm wondering what I should do. Thanks in advance...
  12. RaccoonPete

    Windows 8.1 Causing Wi-Fi Connectivity Issues

    I never liked Windows 8 to begin with.
  13. RaccoonPete

    I got a black screen after changing GPU settings. HELP!!

    Krishna Moorthy I selected your answer as the solution. Glad you could help thunder :)
  14. RaccoonPete

    No video out?