Recent content by rargran

  1. R

    Question help adding hard drives to a dell t1700?

    i ordered the caddy for the 3.5 bay. that amazon adapter looks like it needs to be loaded from the front. would something like this work if i take off the front plate then slide it back to lock with those crazy blue clips. then replace the front plate. it's designed to slide from the back. i...
  2. R

    Question help adding hard drives to a dell t1700?

    my custom build died and i'm trying to replace it with a dell t1700. i need to add two hard drives. i know i need a caddy to install one in this empty bay: i thought i might be able to fit a hard drive here but that might just be wishful thinking. i know i should be able to put one here...
  3. R

    Trouble video streaming to dell venue 8

    I plugged a hard drive into my WD router and I've been trying to stream video from it to my Dell Venue 8 Android Tablet. I used ES File Explorer to access the hard drive and I can see the video files. When I click a video file VLC has a Playback Error VLC encountered an error with this media...