Recent content by ravensfan852

  1. R

    Question Having major network issues after various fix attemps.

    Honestly, at this point I'm done running test after test after test. I've done more than my due diligence of testing and troubleshooting. It's obviously nothing on my end.
  2. R

    Question Having major network issues after various fix attemps.

    I'll have to get in contact with the ISP at this point. I've done pretty much everything else I can. I took my PC to my friend's house - played and streamed at the same time, no issues at all. He brought his PC to my house and he was getting the packet loss and ping spikes. We connected...
  3. R

    Question Having major network issues after various fix attemps.

    Good morning @bill001g - thank you for the reply. I apologize, I know next to nothing about networks. What info do I use for the ping to the router, and where would I find it? The only router I have is the ISP's. Apologies if that came off like I had two. Please see the the attached for a 500...
  4. R

    Question Having major network issues after various fix attemps.

    So after disabling IPV4 and IPV6 separately, disabling either causes issues. Without IP6 the packet loss spikes, without IPV4 I can't connect to most things. I don't know what it is at this point. I don't think it's anything with the hardware because everything was fine until a couple of weeks...
  5. R

    Question Having major network issues after various fix attemps.

    Hi everyone, I'm having really bad issues with my internet and being able to play online games. Speed tests show up fine, ping tests show up fine, but whenever I play online I'm having major latency issues and ping spikes as well as packet loss. At this point I've done everything I know to do...
  6. R

    Question Unknown partition shows up, windows OS not found next day

    I'll take care of that first part soon. I agree with backups wholeheartedly. This was kind of an odd case where I'd actually transferred over to an SSD not long ago so I didn't have much to back up at this point. The most irritating thing I would've had to do was get the drivers for my mobo...
  7. R

    Question Unknown partition shows up, windows OS not found next day

    Hello all, Let me start off by saying this is a Windows 8.1 problem. Unfortunately the mobile forum list didn't have Windows 8 in the selection. Anyways, yesterday I noticed on my PC that there was a random, small partition that showed up out of nowhere for 350Mb. It was assigned a new drive...
  8. R

    Question Moved from HDD to SSD, same OS, boot up is different?

    Hello all, I have a bit of a difficult question today. I'm changing over from a hard drive to an SSD and have the OS installed on both at the moment (Windows 8.1, same disc used). The strange thing is, when booting from the SSD my boot up is a little different. On the hard drive it goes to BIOS...
  9. R

    [SOLVED] 2 Hard Drives (One SSD, One HDD, Both with Windows) Easiest Way to Switch?

    No worries! All the reason to ask, but you did save me time with your suggestion so I appreciate that!
  10. R

    [SOLVED] 2 Hard Drives (One SSD, One HDD, Both with Windows) Easiest Way to Switch?

    Shoot, I was hoping there was a way to just delete the Windows files and leave everything else, but I guess I'll invest a little more time. Thanks for the help!
  11. R

    [SOLVED] 2 Hard Drives (One SSD, One HDD, Both with Windows) Easiest Way to Switch?

    It's possible that I go that route, but what I'm concerned with is all the bloat that's on the old drive. I'm not entirely sure how much Windows is taking up and really the drive could use a fresh start because it has probably 3-4 years worth of stuff on it.
  12. R

    [SOLVED] 2 Hard Drives (One SSD, One HDD, Both with Windows) Easiest Way to Switch?

    Hello all, I was curious what the easiest way to do this will be. I've had an SSD with Windows installed for the past couple of years, but I didn't switch from the HDD because I was in school and was doing work on there pretty regularly. I know I'll need to update Windows on the SSD, but I want...
  13. R

    Blocky bars in YouTube videos, only on Firefox

    Update, the screen tearing only seems to be happening in full screen, and only in "fast moving" videos. I watch a lot of gaming videos so when someone rotates their camera it tears and gets the blocks pretty badly.
  14. R

    Blocky bars in YouTube videos, only on Firefox

    Hello all, Let me start off by saying I'm not sure if this is in the right section, and if not, I apologize... I've had a recent problem that's become rather frustrating. When I watch YouTube videos on Firefox I get these blocky bars going all across the screen, almost like screen tearing, but...