Recent content by Reivaj

  1. Reivaj

    [SOLVED] Need an advice. Can't decide if it's worth the upgrade.

    Oh I see. My usage would be pretty normal, maybe some LoL from time to time (maybe Valorant if i'm able to run it). I know I can't ask for a lot with it, right now I only want my pc to "run better" and don't know if that upgrade if that worthy.
  2. Reivaj

    [SOLVED] Need an advice. Can't decide if it's worth the upgrade.

    Hi, so I'm just getting into the PC world and finally decided to slowly upgrade my PC which currently is: Intel Celeron G3930 H110M PRO-VH PLUS 4 GB of Ram I'm thinking of getting a i5 6500 to upgrade my CPU first but i cant decide if should do that or get another 4 GB of ram instead. It is...