Recent content by Renan27

  1. Renan27

    Question New Hard Drive

    I just bought a new hard drive to store my games. When I start to play any game, even games to low spec PC, I'm having stutterings. so I took a screenshot in the task manager to see what is happening View: My Specs: GTX 970 i5 6400 16 GB RAM SSD (Operational...
  2. Renan27

    [SOLVED] CPU in 100% (And using GHZ above the maximum)

    Yep, this game really have a general problem, but in my case, for some reason, it's worst. Even in the start menu, i'm having a lot of stuttering I'll realy try to put it in a new storage device, it's really old
  3. Renan27

    [SOLVED] CPU in 100% (And using GHZ above the maximum)

    Thanks to the answer! Glad to hear that the GHz above the base frequency is not a problem Unfortunately, I already updated the GPU drivers and the power management is set to perfomance too The game is updated, I thought initially that was some version problem and did this too But, as I said...
  4. Renan27

    [SOLVED] CPU in 100% (And using GHZ above the maximum)

    Hello, Reccently I updated my memory RAM, now I have a dual-channel 8GB RAM 2666MHz DDR4 To have the maximum the performance I activated the XMP in my BIOS But now I'm seeing that some games (God of War for example) make my processor go to 100% of usage In the task manager shows that the...