Recent content by Ria7

  1. R

    how to stop and block the tenminutestokill website to pop up ?

    tenminutestokill annoying pop up after every few minutes how to stop this i m using google chrome :/ plz help
  2. R

    help!! digital/analog samsung monitor problem

    i have a samsung 2233sw monitor (15000:1) its been a month my monitor is reacting creepy the problems are - 1> blinking all the time *after like every 30 secs its going black) 2> showing a digital/analog at the left corner of the monitor every 1min 3> suddenly its automatically auto...
  3. R

    need help! my desktop monitor problem?

    hi all... I have Nvidia GeForce GT 610 graphics card(monitor samsung 22 inch) and my resolution setting is 1920 by 1080,true color (32bit),59 hertz.. i just want to know is the setting all right or should I change it to 60 hertz?
  4. R

    which is the best call block app?

    i am using Samsung Galaxy Core and i want to know a call block app which will help to block one or two person.. like i have used many call block apps but all are same :(( i mean if u want to block a person, will call you and he/she will able to hear a ring then its blocking .. i want to know...
  5. R

    my computer showing error:Warning: Processor Thermal Trip

    while working suddenly its shuts down and showing this error after i turned it on its sounds like to beeps and then its working fine after few minutes again its shuts down .. :/ need help
  6. R

    whatsapp plus ban problem plz help?

    my whatsapp plus(blue) is banned from three days. somtimes its showing you have left only 28 hours after few hour again its showing you have 72hours. whats going on i really don't know can't live without whatsapp plz help :/
  7. R

    how much should be the good speed of typing?

    i was interviewed yesterday for a data entry job in practicle test i got 30 wmp for typing speed.. but i dont know its good or not?
  8. R

    my computer is suddenly freezing and shutting down

    Suppose i m surfing internet, listening to music suddenly everything freezed and shutting down,then again am turning on my pc.. its happening after every 10 to 15 mins with a open hardware.exe i can see the tempture its showing cpu core #1 41.0 degree c (min) 36.0degree c (max) and core #2 is...
  9. R

    my computer is suddenly freezing and shutting down

    no i didnt get any bsod its just freezing SYSTEM SPECS: PROCESSOR: Tntel(r)Core(TM)2 DUO CPU RAM: 4GB System type: 64 bit i am using windows 7 ultimate i have Kaspersky antivirus
  10. R

    my computer is suddenly freezing and shutting down

    my computer is suddenly freezing and shutting down.Few days ago it was only shutting once a day but now a days its shutting after ever 10 to 15 mins. i have cleaned my cpu fans many times but it did not helped me :/ need help .. :(
  11. R

    windows 7 starting normally but no desktop is showing only black screen with a moving cursor?need help?

    i have three log in account(windows 7) two of the accounts are working well but one of the account is not working.The problem is when i turn on my pc its starting normally with the windows logo but no desktop is showing only black screen with the cursor and that too a moving to fix it...