Recent content by rljohnsen

  1. R

    New motherboard after Windows 10 release

    Thanks - that's quite clear and useful. It would be nice if the OS were considered as a purchased product on it's own, and simply limited to installation on a single computer at a time. That would allow removal from one computer and installation on another without repurchase, but would seem...
  2. R

    New motherboard after Windows 10 release

    ->USAFRet: My current 8.1 system was the $35 windows pro offered when windows 8 first appeared. I think your suggestion is prudent, and probably the way to go, if even my 8.1 system will transfer in the first place!
  3. R

    New motherboard after Windows 10 release

    Hope so - but then what does MS base the id of the computer on? I thought the motherboard identified the system to them. I assume if I buy an all new computer but try to use the old system disk they will want a new license - how is that different from changing the motherboard?
  4. R

    New motherboard after Windows 10 release

    I will be getting a free upgrade to Windows 10 July 29, like many others, which is "free for the life of the system" according to Microsoft. A month or so later, I hope to upgrade my 2500K cpu plus Z68 motherboard setup to a Skylake i5, necessitating a new motherboard with an 1151 socket. Does...
  5. R

    Best way to upgrade a Dell Studio 1537 to SDD and Windows 7 64-bit

    Thanks for your reply - I have Macrium Reflect, which will both clone and image copy. The problem is the existing system is 32 bit with a recovery partition, and I want 64 bits and no extra partition. I certainly agree about backup - it's a very high priority with me. In this case the...
  6. R

    Best way to upgrade a Dell Studio 1537 to SDD and Windows 7 64-bit

    I have a product key, but it is an Upgrade disk, which I thought required an existing system on the disk being installed - the new SSD is of course empty. Am I wrong about that?
  7. R

    Best way to upgrade a Dell Studio 1537 to SDD and Windows 7 64-bit

    I have a Dell Studio 1537 laptop running Windows 7 32-bit on the original 320 GB disk, partitioned into C and D with a Recovery partition on D. It has 4 GB memory of which only 2.99 GB is usable, presumably because of the 32-bit installation. The Windows 7 was installed over Vista 32 using an...